Latest Feature Releases (Page 4)

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Presence Webhooks Ignore AnnounceMax new Property

July, 2020
Leverage presence webhooks even in high occupancy events, where you want to reduce number of transactions sent to the connected clients but still want to collect user presence data. Contact support for using this new feature.

Objects 2.0

June, 2020
We’re happy to announce that PubNub has released a new version of Objects that provides easy-to-use and serverless storage for user metadata, channel metadata and channel memberships. Developers can now store data that is common to their applications without having to spin up additional backend infrastructure and services. Manage your data and build innovative, reliable, and scalable applications on PubNub using the new and improved Objects.

APNS2 Improvements

May, 2020
More explicit control of how push notifications are sent over via the Apple API.

We have updated the APNS2 feature to support:

  1. Explicit specification of Push type, e.g. set apns-push-type to background versus alert versus voip, etc. (full Apple spec is here
  2. Relaxation of the rules associated with Apple’s treatment of content-available property (you can read more about that at the same line). There was plenty of chatter out there around the ambiguous statements from Apple around what to do here and we have decided to take a path where we allow customers to construct push payloads that confirm to the yet-to-be-enforced rules, thereby ensuring no issues if and when Apple chooses to enforce the validation that they claim is in place, or to continue without changing, and deciding to do migration to the valid Apple-mandated payload at some point in the future.

NEW FEATURE: Functions On Interval Events

May, 2020
Scheduled periodic serverless functions. Now execute your logic on a periodic basis, for performing batch operations and aggregations. Read more about this at


May, 2020
The Dart SDK provides developers a simple way to build client-optimized multi-platform applications using Dart with the Flutter Framework on PubNub. Read more about this here.

Enhancement: Chat Typing Indicators

March, 2020
We’ve added now added Typing Indicators to the team chat application. The app shows typing events as users are typing a message in a conversation. These events are shared with all users in that conversation. As part of this release, we have also added support for Signals in the PubNub Redux Framework. Go checkout the new app on the chat docs.

Enhancement: India-only Storage

March, 2020
Now customers can have message date stored specifically in the India region. Similar to GDPR, India regulations exist to protect consumer privacy data. PubNub is pleased to support our Indian customers by allowing them to control where their real-time message data is stored, in country or continue to maintain globally for fastest performance.

Enhancement: Apple Push Notification Service

February, 2020
PubNub’s support for Apple’s HTTP/2-based Push Notification Service (APNS) has now moved into General Availability. All PubNub customers can now take advantage of the speed, simplicity and flexibility of the vastly improved Apple service for their live notifications needs. Developers will no longer be slowed down by complicated certificate setup and maintenance required by the older version of APNS, and they won’t need to maintain multiple PubNub key setups in order to send push notifications to different downstream iOS-based applications. In other words, managing push notifications to Apple devices with PubNub just got a whole lot simpler.

Faster Usage Performance

December, 2019
PubNub is pleased to announce that the Usage page, within the Portal administration application, has become much faster, with optimizations made to query performance resulting in faster page load times. This means customers can see their usage data even faster!

PubNub Chat

November, 2019
PubNub Chat is now available. Every chat API you need to create in-app messaging your users will love. Please visit

Get in touch with us.