Latest Feature Releases (Apr 2018)

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ChatEngine BLOCKs for AWS Cognitive APIs - Polly, Translate and Comprehend

ChatEngine BLOCKs for AWS Cognitive APIs - Polly, Translate and Comprehend

April, 2018

BLOCKS Catalog now includes BLOCKs that will help you build chat applications that can translate messages to different languages, detect the sentiment of these messages and even read these messages out loud! Read our tutorial on how to integrate these APIs here:

ChatEngine Tutorial Available for Angular

ChatEngine Tutorial Available for Angular

April, 2018
Build a fully-functioning chat app for web and mobile web using AngularJS and ChatEngine. Check out information from here:
ChatEngine Tutorial Available for Vue.js

ChatEngine Tutorial Available for Vue.js

April, 2018
Build a fully-featured Vue.js chat app using Vuex. Check out information from here:

Major Mobile Push Upgrades

April, 2018
PubNub now supports using the updated interface to the Apple notification service (APNS HTTP/2). We have fully implemented this new service as well as supporting several new features that it enables. You can now use tokens from your developer account instead of push certificates. This vastly simplifies the process of securing the connection - no more need to generate certificates, which is an error prone process. Simply specify your token using cut and paste.
This also provides the ability to send a single message to multiple different apps registered to your Apple developer account. The process to remove a device from the service when a user deletes an app from their device is now much faster, and several other benefits. It will be rolled out shortly to all users, but if you want to use it in the meantime please contact
Unity v4 SDK

Unity v4 SDK

April, 2018
PubNub released a major new version of our Unity SDK. Check out information on upgrading to version 4 here:
Get in touch with us.