Latest Feature Releases (Apr 2019)

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New Feature Release: Presence Stream Filtering

April, 2019
Stream filtering is one of the more powerful features of PubNub messaging. It allows subscribers to fine tune exactly what types of messages they want to receive, based on message metadata. We've updated the capability to include the ability to filter on presence events. Click "Read More" to learn more! You also can learn more about Stream filtering here and here.
With Presence Stream Filtering, your real-time experiences can receive presence events - when people come on and off line - based on a query. If a user wants to be notified when users of a certain type or other characteristic appear or disappear from their channels, your code can create that query and ensure users are only receiving exactly what they want or need. For example, if, in the context of a chat application, let's say that a user just wanted to receive leave and join events from other users located in their same geo-region. As long as “geo” was part of the user’s state, in Presence, your chat application could create a stream filter with logic restricting the events to only those fitting this criterion.

Platform Upgrade: Global Presence API

April, 2019
It is not all about the features! Recently we upgraded our Presence API, fully rolling it out globally. The result? 400% improvement in latency. We took an already fast API and made it even faster! From an average latency of 50 milliseconds to about 10 milliseconds. Awesome! With faster Presence capabilities, that means downstream customer application experiences are that much better!
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