Developer Relations Team

The Developer Relations Team creates content to make it easy for developers to understand, build, and implement different industry use-case applications.

InsightsOct 24, 2014

Build Collaborative Apps: JavaScript Operational Transform

We should never have to refresh a page or look at stale data. We need our apps to be real-time, always updating, even when we’re not using them. Apps should be collaborative, and operational transform is the way to do that. In his talk below from SF JavaScript at PubNub HQ, Joseph Gentle walks...
Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
InsightsOct 22, 2014

Immediate Mode User Interfaces with ReactJS

In his talk, Pete Hunt gives an overview of the library, and walks through ReactJS in action (talk includes stick figures, emotion, and ice cream).

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
InsightsOct 16, 2014

Functional Reactive JavaScript Programming w/ Bacon.js

The blog post looks at the core concepts of functional reactive JavaScript programming, as well as practical applications of it with Bacon.js.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
GamingSep 23, 2014

Simple 3D Multiplayer Game in the Browser

Code and demo for building a simple, 3D multiplayer real-time chess game in the browser that syncs player position across multiple devices.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
BuildAug 28, 2014

Bidirectional Push Notifications for Large Message Payloads

This blog post looks at three mobile push notification methods with tutorials: Google Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Services, and PubNub Data Streams.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
BuildAug 27, 2014

Blazing Fast Remote Signaling for Raspberry Pi and Arduino

This tutorial shows you how to connect a Raspberry Pi or Arduino to PubNub for the purpose of blazing fast and reliable remote signaling for embedded IoT.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
InsightsAug 22, 2014

Understanding Swift Programming for JavaScript Developers

In “Swift Programming Language for JavaScript Developers”, iOS developer JP Simard discusses the Swift Programming Language, it’s use cases, and JavaScript.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
InsightsAug 12, 2014

Building a Real-time Task Management System

Check out how PubNub-powered DropTask enables teams to collaborative and manage tasks in real time with their real-time task management application.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
BuildAug 8, 2014

Blow Minds with WebGL and JavaScript in the Browser

This blog post features two ways (a data visualizer and a multiplayer game) that harness the power of WebGL to create stunning and interactive applications.
Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team