Developer Relations Team

The Developer Relations Team creates content to make it easy for developers to understand, build, and implement different industry use-case applications.

InsightsMay 16, 2015

Building Resilient Web Applications

In this talk, Poornima Venkatakrishnan of PayPal covers efforts towards two different aspects of building resilient web applications.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
News May 10, 2015

3 Hot Internet of Things Topics at IoT StreamConf 2015

At IoT StreamConf 2015, leaders converged to define the IoT tech stack. Here are three hot topics coming out of the conference.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
InsightsMay 4, 2015

The 10 Challenges of Securing IoT Communications

One of the hottest topics at last week’s IoT StreamConf was security. In other words, how are we going to secure communication for billions of connected devices? How can we ensure that attackers can’t take control of our devices, steal information, disrupt services, or take down entire networks...
Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
Real-time embedded projects tutorials
BuildApr 13, 2015

Embedded Device Tutorials: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and more…

A collection of tutorials and code walkthroughs on connecting embedded boards to the Internet, and a number of IoT projects as well.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
BuildMar 17, 2015

Building a Model Smart Home with Raspberry Pi

An overview of the PubNub Raspberry Pi-controlled model smart home, its GUI, and how it works. The house is controlled, in real time, using Pub/Sub Messaging.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
News Feb 23, 2015

Defining the Internet of Things Stack @ IoT StreamConf

On April 23rd, we’re going to define the Internet of Things stack, bringing the best and brightest in IoT to one place. That’s why we’re sponsoring IoT StreamConf.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
BuildFeb 20, 2015

Asynchronous TCP Publishing on a Single TCP Payload

In this tips & tricks, Stephen shows you how to publish simultaneously, asynchronously on a single TCP payload. Also gives an introduction to GCM and APNs.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
InsightsFeb 17, 2015

Parsing Complex Data to Solve ‘Simple’ Problems

In this talk, Yelp product manager Travis Brooks discusses his methodology for approach for how to parse complex data to answer ‘simple’ problems.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
InsightsJan 29, 2015

Node.js vs io.js: Creating Open Open Source Contributions

In this talk, Mikael Rogers discusses io.js including the reduction in Node.js contributions and the difference between Node.js and io.js.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team