Real-time Updates

BuildJun 14, 2024

Starting a Live Streaming Application: PubNub and Livepeer

Check out the webinar with PubNub and Livepeer. Check out the demo application to start implementing real-time connectivity and video streaming into your application today!
Markus Kohler
Markus Kohler
Developer Advocate, PubNub
Blog Imagery Templates (2).jpg
InsightsJun 6, 2024

Methods for Reliable Message Delivery for Real-time Apps

Although some of these challenges are completely out of the control of the real-time provider and its users, there are methods that you can use to help improve this message delivery and ensure volumes of messages are delivered.
Oliver Carson
Oliver Carson
Developer Advocate, PubNub
HTTP3 QUIC Connection ID 1380x600.png
Product UpdatesMar 19, 2024

HTTP/3 and QUIC: The Connection ID

HTTP/3 maintains a unique connection ID through the QUIC protocol. The connection ID is not dependent the device's IP address. This allows the connectivity to remain persistent even as users switch between different networks such as 5G and Wi-Fi. In a way you can consider this as a "connectionless" session....
Stephen Blum
Stephen Blum
CTO, PubNub
BuildFeb 22, 2024

How to Create an Online Real-Time Bidding/Auction App

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to build an online real-time auction system in React using PubNub Real-time Messaging and React-Bootstrap.
Markus Kohler
Markus Kohler
Developer Advocate, PubNub
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BuildJan 19, 2024

Desktop Toast Notifications with C#, WPF & MVVM

This guide will walk you through building the front-end and back-end code for advanced desktop notifications with the MVVM design pattern.
Darryn Campbell
Darryn Campbell
Developer Advocate, PubNub
What Businesses Lose When They Waste ‘Time’.jpg
InsightsOct 2, 2023

What Businesses Lose When They Waste ‘Time’

This is the direction in which the world is heading – the more time you lose, the less successful your business is, down to the tenth of a millisecond. And there are big implications for burning valuable time that directly affect a business.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
A Comprehensive Guide to a Modern Tech Stack-Blog.jpg
ChatSep 15, 2023

A Comprehensive Guide to a Modern Tech Stack

What developers need to know when building a real-time app, and pitfalls, challenges and the various options to design a perfect real-time technology stack.
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
Unity Leaderboards Banner.png
GamingAug 30, 2023

Add Trading and Leaderboards to your Unity Game with PubNub

The best way for any game to improve player engagement and retention is to integrate real-time interactivity; this means features like chat, in-game alerts, leaderboards & presence. However, developing these features yourself can take time and effort. PubNub can help. We are trusted by multiple customers...
Darryn Campbell
Darryn Campbell
Developer Advocate, PubNub
Unity Social Features Banner.png
GamingAug 25, 2023

Add Social Features to your Unity Game with PubNub

The best way for any game to improve player engagement and retention is to integrate real-time interactivity; this means features like in-game chat, alerts, leaderboards & presence, but developing these features yourself can be time-consuming and distracting - time you could spend better improving other...
Darryn Campbell
Darryn Campbell
Developer Advocate, PubNub