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Build Your Own Symbol Calculator with Ohm
BuildSep 8, 2016

Build Your Own Symbol Calculator with Ohm

Last time I introduced Ohm, an open source meta language parser with an easy to use syntax, we built a parser for different number formats. Basically, I showed you how to easily build your own programming language with just a few lines of code. This week we will extend the parser to calculate arithmetic...
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
Build a Real-Time Voting System for Presidential Elections
BuildSep 6, 2016

Build a Real-Time Voting System for Presidential Elections

Voting online and seeing the results instantly on the web is a very convenient way to conduct quick surveys or pop polls. But you already know that because of the primary season. This real-time voting tutorial was made for the first technical workshop I led as an evangelist intern this summer, a at YouTube’s...
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
DIY Virtual Whiteboard Using Google and Firebase
BuildSep 1, 2016

DIY Virtual Whiteboard Using Google and Firebase

When it comes to productivity, real-time collaboration is a staple of modern communication. An obvious example of this is, say, Google Docs. In this tutorial, my app Brain Drain takes that idea a step further, creating a freeform virtual whiteboard allowing users to collaborate as if they are all in...
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
Ohm: JavaScript Parser Creates a Language in 200 Lines
BuildAug 30, 2016

Ohm: JavaScript Parser Creates a Language in 200 Lines

Parsers are an incredibly useful software libraries. While conceptually simple, they can be challenging to implement and are often considered a dark art in computer science. In this blog series, I’ll show you why you don’t need to be Harry Potter to master parsers. But bring your wand just...
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
DIY Pokemon Go App with Android Push Notifications
BuildAug 29, 2016

DIY Pokemon Go App with Android Push Notifications

This is an Android app that displays Pokemon around you on a map, and uses PubNub and Google Cloud Messaging to provide mobile push notifications. It runs on an Ngrok server.

Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
What It’s Like to Intern at PubNub
News Aug 25, 2016

What It’s Like to Intern at PubNub

Hi, I’m Lizzie Siegle, and this was my experience as an intern at PubNub this summer… Imagine having routine one-on-one’s with engineers, evangelists, and even the CTO and CEO of your company. It’s definitely not the norm, but this summer, I was fortunate to be surrounded by smart,...
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
Remote WiFi Setup with Arduino’s MKR1000
BuildAug 23, 2016

Remote WiFi Setup with Arduino’s MKR1000

This tutorial walks you through how to turn Arduino’s new board, the MKR1000, into an access point, process your WiFi credentials from a web browser, and connect your MKR to a WiFi network from a laptop or mobile device. As an added bonus, you’ll also learn how to connect to PubNub and publish...
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
Why You Don’t Want to Miss Stream Conference 2016
News Aug 22, 2016

Why You Don’t Want to Miss Stream Conference 2016

On September 28, join industry thought leaders, software architects, innovators, and developers at the Bently Reserve in San Francisco, to explore how always-on data streams will be managed, scaled, secured, and monetized in the months and years to come. Stream Conference will feature conversation tracks...
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
Implementing Three-Legged OAuth with Digital Streams
BuildAug 19, 2016

Implementing Three-Legged OAuth with Digital Streams

It’s quite common for cloud services (and webtail vendors) to integrate with a digital identity platform, such as Google+ or Facebook; the reasons for doing so are very well documented. The beaten path for this type of integration is to use three-legged OAuth. But when implementing a real-time...
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll