How to
How to Smooth Your Location Data & Snap to the Nearest Road
"How do I stop location fixes from ‘jumping around’?”, “How do I snap the vehicle to the road?”, “What if the vehicle GPS location is bad? Can I smooth that data?”.
This how-to aims to answer all these questions.
How-to Add Moderation to your Live Events Application
How to utilize the PubNub SDK on both the server side and client side of your application to add secure moderation events to your live events app.
How to Set up Illuminate for Your Game
Learn how to improve the monetization and balancing for your game in real time with Illuminate, an in-the-moment decision-making and actionability solution based on live analytics tracking of your online game data.
How to Create Game Alerts
Read our complete guide to build game alerts. Read this and our other information when building game alerts and push notifications.
How to Call Access Manager from PubNub Functions
Access Manager allows you to set rules that grant read & write access to specific channels and user metadata and define permissions for who can read, write, and modify that data. This guide discusses how to implement Access Manager within a PubNub Function.
How-to Upgrade your Message-Level Encryption to 256-bit Key Strength
At PubNub, we are committed to providing customers with the highest level of security for their data, this how-to will explain how to upgrade to the new 256-bit encryption method introduced to our SDKs starting in October 2023.
Virtual Events
How to Throttle or Aggregate Messages with PubNub
Applications that send messages at a high frequency need to consider how readable those messages are for recipients. This how-to will describe how you can either throttle or aggregate messages for a large audience
How to Add a Friend List to Your Unity Game
Learn how to add a friend list to your Unity Game with PubNub. Understand how to construct friend groups, listen for online status changes and messages from friends, and how to add/remove friends.
How to Add a Scoreboard and Leaderboard to Your Unity Game
Learn how to add a scoreboard and leaderboard to your Unity Game with PubNub. Walkthrough how to update player scores during a match and display a global ranking leaderboard, all in real time.