How to
How to Call Access Manager from PubNub Functions
Access Manager allows you to set rules that grant read & write access to specific channels and user metadata and define permissions for who can read, write, and modify that data. This guide discusses how to implement Access Manager within a PubNub Function.
How to Implement IoT Predictive Maintenance
Why are IoT and Predictive Maintenance a Big Deal?
PubNub portal
Understand your PubNub data better - and fast - using Analyse with AI
PubNub Insights is a valuable tool for understanding your data, but analyzing the data and deciding what actions to take can be harder - which is where the new "Analyze with AI" feature can help
PubNub portal
How to make the most of PubNub’s Dashboards
This How-to guide will explain the different dashboards PubNub offers, what metrics they contain, when you would use them, and where you can find them.
How to Develop a real-time streaming application with PubNub
Learn how to develop a real-time streaming application with PubNub, allowing you to stream a continuous firehose of data to any number of recipients
Build Collaborative Applications
Follow this how-to and learn how you can build and power your real-time collaborative applications with PubNub.
Push Notifications
Enabling Mobile Push Notifications: Android
Follow this how-to to enable PubNub's Mobile Push Gateway in the Admin Portal to send your Android users push notifications and alerts.
PubNub portal
Enabling Persistence
Follow this how-to to enable Persistence in the Admin Portal to persist all messages as they're published.
How to Create a Real-Time Delivery Application
For any delivery solution, the end user experience will depend on providing real-time updates on vehicle location, delivery time and delivery status