Mobile Push Notifications

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BuildMar 13, 2024

How to Send Firebase Push Notifications to Android

How to implement mobile push notifications in your Android app using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) and PubNub.
Darryn Campbell
Darryn Campbell
Developer Advocate, PubNub
How to Add Notification Badges to App Icons in React Native.jpg
ChatApr 11, 2023

How to Add App Icon Badge Notifications in React Native

Display real-time notification badges with PubNub and React Native to display important information and bring users back to your application.
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
InsightsSep 27, 2022

Top Trends for Increasing App User Engagement

Take a look at the top trends that are the most effective in attracting customers and reducing churn, and how you can incorporate them into your app engagement strategy to remain competitive.
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
Content Writer, PubNub
Connected Digital Experiences: A Developer’s Guide  .jpg
GamingJul 13, 2022

Connected Digital Experiences: A Developer’s Guide

In an everyone online world with high expectations, there’s a driving force transforming how we build software, and how humans interact with each other.

Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
Content Writer, PubNub
How-toJun 7, 2022

How To: Mobile Push Notifications with PubNub

PubNub offers mobile push notifications as a way to better keep your users engaged and informed: you can trigger event or state-based alerts that bring your users back to games, stores, classes, and more. You can keep your customers informed with real time alerts, highlight exceptions, or update statuses....
Oliver Carson
Oliver Carson
Developer Advocate, PubNub
BuildMar 26, 2020

How to Setup React Native Push Notifications (iOS & Android)

How to setup and send mobile push notifications for iOS (APNS) and Android (GCM/FCM) with React Native and PubNub.

Chandler Mayo
Chandler Mayo
Solution Engineer, PubNub
APNS2 Support for Mobile Push Notifications with PubNub.jpg
Product UpdatesJan 14, 2020

APNS2 Support for Mobile Push Notifications with PubNub

Developers have a more efficient and effective way to build and manage their mobile push notification architecture for Apple devices with new APNS2 support from PubNub.
Jeremy Pollock
Jeremy Pollock
Director of Product Management, PubNub
Adding Push Notifications to IOS apps: APNS2 Tokens + PubNub.jpg
BuildAug 3, 2018

Adding Push Notifications to IOS apps: APNS2 Tokens + PubNub

Learn how to integrate APNs push notifications for iOS apps with PubNub and Swift 4.

Syed Ahmed
Syed Ahmed
Developer Relations, PubNub
Create a IoT UV Index Monitor with Mobile Push Notifications.jpg
BuildJul 30, 2018

Create a IoT UV Index Monitor with Mobile Push Notifications

How to build your own IoT UV index monitor, complete with mobile push notifications for Android and iOS using Arduino, PubNub, and Firebase Cloud Messaging.

Chandler Mayo
Chandler Mayo
Solution Engineer, PubNub