This demo is best experienced on a larger device.

Chat App for Moderation Dashboard

This app is the partner to our Moderation Dashboard demo. If you are developing a chat app, please refer to our other In-App Chat demos.

About this demo

PubNub's Chat Components provide an easy way to build chat applications. This demo uses uses our Chat React Components for developers.

Our component library is the fastest way to add chat features like direct (1:1) and group messaging, typing indicators, reactions and more without worrying about the low-level architecture. At the same time it allows you to customize the look and functionality so you can add Chat into any existing application.

Chat Component Features

  • Messages - Publish and listen to text messages as well as fetch history for each channel.

  • Presence - Get currently present users and listen to new presence events.

  • Subscriptions - Automatic subscriptions to current channel and optional subscriptions to other channels and channel groups.

  • Typing Indicators - Typing indicators for knowing when a message is being written.

  • Message Reactions - Publish and display message reactions (emojis) for each message.