Explore real-time demos for Chat, IoT, Geolocation and more

In-App Chat
Chat in 10 Lines of Code
How easy is it to create a chat app with the PubNub SDK? This demo shows how you can implement a JavaScript chat application in fewer than 10 lines code.

In-App Chat
Chat Demo written in Flutter
Using PubNub's Dart SDK, you can easily include chat into your cross-platform Flutter applications

In-App Chat
Chat App for Moderation Dashboard
This app is the partner to our Moderation Dashboard demo. If you are developing a chat app, please refer to our other In-App Chat demos.

Delivery Demo
PubNub can enable your delivery application, allowing real-time updates on vehicle location, communication between customers and drivers, and notifications so users are always kept up to date.

Telehealth Demo
The Telehealth chat demo shows how to connect healthcare professionals with patients to deliver safe and effective remote treatment

Real-Time Auction Demo
PubNub makes it easy to create real-time auctions with tons of features.
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