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PubNub and Vonage Partner to Make E-Learning More Personal

2 min read Jonas Gray on Jun 30, 2021

Today, we’re proud to announce an expanded partnership between PubNub and Vonage to help educational institutions better deliver quality e-learning experiences through improved virtual spaces for collaboration, communication, and human connection. 

In every way, the fallout from COVID-19 has given the global education sector an unprecedented opportunity to transform how the e-learning process takes place. It truly is a generational opportunity that impacts all aspects of the e-learning experience. And we’re not just talking about schools, universities, and educational centers. We’re also factoring in the myriad of industries that are turning to virtual training due to convenience, cost, or sheer necessity. Across all, there’s a clear need for improved use of digital tools to realize:

  • Online Learning: Learning that is facilitated entirely by the use of digital tools

  • Distance Learning: Learning that occurs when teachers, students, and classrooms are separated; uses a range of approaches, including online

  • Remote Learning: An emergency measure that moves instruction from physical schools to homes and in online/offline modes

  • Blended Learning: Learning that occurs through a blend of face-to-face and digital experiences, typically delivered as part of a physical classroom experience

  • Flipped Learning: Learning that occurs through an approach in which students receive and engage with material prior to a classroom setting, through videos and tutorials delivered online

  • Hybrid Learning: Learning that involves a hybrid approach that combines flipped, blended, remote, distance, and/or online learning

And while PubNub and Vonage will be partnering initially on solving problems in the e-learning sector, other areas of high interest include Healthcare, Virtual Events, Finance, and Transportation and Logistics. 

Improving e-learning in virtual environments

PubNub is the leading provider of APIs and infrastructure for powering virtual spaces for online work, play, learning, and health. Example functionality that we enable for e-learning includes 1:1 and group chat, breakout rooms, shared whiteboards, multi-user documents, real-time polls, and leaderboards. PubNub customers include Adobe, ClassDojo, Noon Academy, and Disprz

Vonage is a global leader in cloud communications helping businesses accelerate their digital transformation. The Vonage Communications Platform is fully programmable and allows for the integration of communications APIs—including Video, Voice, SMS, WhatsApp, and Verification—into existing products, workflows, and systems. Vonage customers include Cambly, Varsity Tutors, Cengage, TopHat, and Presence Learning

Together, PubNub and Vonage will make it easier for software teams to build tightly integrated virtual and hybrid e-learning experiences that combine remote interaction capabilities with communication capabilities. Challenges to be addressed include:

  • Enabling collaboration across popular channels including voice, video chat, and messaging

  • Enabling safe access with 2FA

  • Adding shared whiteboards, dashboards, leaderboards, tutoring, and classroom sessions

  • Adding smart notifications using on/offline status, geo data, and sensor data

  • Leveraging AI for automating student, faculty, and alumni engagement

  • Adding language translation for multilingual communication

  • Facilitating sharing of time-sensitive data with key stakeholders

  • Ensuring security and legislative compliance

Adding PubNub and Vonage to your application

PubNub customers looking to add voice, video, messaging (SMS, WhatsApp, etc.), and verification to their applications can look to Vonage’s communication APIs that work synergistically with the PubNub platform. Contact us to learn more or to schedule a demo.

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1 Line of Code-Connect Twitter and PubNub with NodeJS Streams.jpg

1 Line of Code: Connect Twitter + PubNub with NodeJS Streams

Streams are a very powerful concept. They are programming constructs which move data between objects and services without having to manually loop through the data, which is one reason why they are so popular. Twitter has streams, NodeJS has streams, Java 8 has streams, and even RSS feeds can be represented as streams. PubNub also has streams, though we call them channels. The great thing about streams is that you can pipe them together to do interesting things. With just a few Node modules, we can stream a real-time list of all tweets matching a hashtag into a PubNub channel. From there we can do all sorts of things including archiving for later analysis, distributing the stream to millions of people at once, or data visualization. For example, say you want to draw a map of the US showing which states are tweeting different candidates in the 2016 election. In this blog we will pipe a stream of tweets matching a particular hashtag into a PubNub channel using NodeJS streams. A Single Line of Code Our end goal is to make this single line of code work: new TwitterStream(twcfg,”#twitter”).pipe(new PubNubOutStream(pncfg,”awesome-tweets”)) This line creates an ongoing Twitter query for tweets containing the hashtag #twitter, then pipes it into the PubNub channel called awesome-tweets. Node comes with many stream types built in, such as files and HTTP sockets, but we can build our own by subclassing Readable/Writable and overriding a function or two. Here we will use NodeJS input and output structures to pipe tweets from Twitter into a PubNub channel. Make a LogStream Here is a simple output stream which logs everything it receives to the console. It’s a simple object which overrides its _write method with a new one that prints to the console. function LogStream() {,{objectMode:true}); this._write = function(obj,encoding,callback) { console.log(“LOG”,util.inspect(obj,{depth:0})); callback(); }; } util.inherits(LogStream,Writable); We can tell that LogStream is an output stream because it subclasses Writable. An input stream would subclass Readable. Notice that the LogStream calls (its ‘parent class’ constructor) with objectMode set to true. This tells Node that we are working with a stream of objects rather than a stream of bytes. Also notice that the _write method does its work, printing to the console, then invokes the callback function that was passed to it. This callback is very important. It’s what lets the stream system pass control back and forth from reader to


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