Latest Feature Releases

Expanded Support for PubNub APIs in Functions


We are please to announce that you can customize PubNub, using Functions, even more so, with the introduction of support for the PubNub Objects, Signals, Message Actions APIs. You can read more here:

New API: Message Actions


PubNub is pleased to announce the availability of the Message Actions API, which allow clients to add/remove actions on individual messages received by the clients. These actions generate events in real-time to online clients and are also stored in PubNub Storage and tied to the original message. Please visit for more information.

Introducing PubNub Signals


Typing, typing, all the time? Or thinking about your place in the world constantly, from a lat/long perspective? Trying to send that data through PubNub and finding it a bit too expensive? Well, guess what? We have heard the need and are responding! With the introduction of PubNub Signals, customers can send and receive this type of data - think small bits of information necessary to drive a process or an app, e.g. show whether or not someone is typing - at far cheaper costs than a normal PubNub publish and subscribe. Click here for more information about this new API.

New Swift SDK


Learn, grow, evolve. Get better! That's our focus at PubNub and we see this in action each and every day. And with our Swift SDK - maybe Swift? - we've learned a whole bunch of the past couple of years. First, people don't want a thin wrapper around Objective C! They want to code in Swift. They want to think Swift. They don't want to think Objective C or feel like they're interacting with code that is meant for another language. Second, well, I think the first lesson was enough. So we're happy to announce the availability of our new Swift SDK. And when we say "Swift", we mean it!

Introducing Objects API (Beta)


The act of building real-time applications has changed over the years. Or better: nowadays, developers are expecting more out of their real-time platforms. Sure, messaging is important but so is the application data scaffolding. If you're building chat, you need chat rooms and users. If you're building real-time exercise events, you need spaces and users. And these data objects are long lived, not transitory in nature, which what the messaging data is, for the most part. To address this need to build more of the real-time application using PubNub, we're launching the Objects API.