RNL QuadWrangle Powers Personalized Fundraising Campaigns

RNL QuadWrangle, an alumni engagement platform, uses PubNub to seamlessly power their messaging infrastructure, allowing them to tailor the entire alumni experience for customers.

With PubNub, RNL QuadWrangle:

  • Reliably powers their platform’s messaging infrastructure using PubNub Functions.  

  • Can quickly and easily deliver personalized content to users, which increases engagement and alumni donations.

  • Decreases development and maintenance time, allowing them to focus on innovating their product.

RNL QuadWrangle Powers Personalized Fundraising Campaigns

“The main problem that PubNub is solving for us when it comes to messaging is that everything is dynamic, and that's what we need—a messaging solution we can set and forget because we know it’s reliable.” David Palmer, Co-Founder and VP of Engineering at RNL QuadWrangle

Meet RNL QuadWrangle 

RNL QuadWrangle is an alumni engagement platform that makes it easy to power fundraising campaigns. Founded as a way to personalize alumni outreach, their platform curates content based on each individual's interests, interactions, and behaviors.

Their custom fundraising outreach helps to ensure that alumni receive the right message at the right time, whether through text, video, or email. “We're personalizing the entire alumni experience, which actually significantly improves donations,” said David Palmer, Co-Founder and VP of Engineering at RNL QuadWrangle. 

Because their platform delivers custom communication flows for each individual, Palmer realized that it would require a lot of developer resources and maintenance time to sustain their system in-house. He knew that he needed a reliable messaging infrastructure on the backend that would allow his team to continuously deliver a highly individualized alumni experience without causing undue burden on his developers—and that’s where PubNub comes in.

Significantly reducing development time with a reliable solution 

Prior to PubNub, Palmer sought out a solution that would give them the flexibility to build out their platform’s messaging flow on the backend.

After speaking with one of his colleagues who was easily able to build using the PubNub platform, Palmer found PubNub’s documentation so he could try the platform out himself. From there, he built a proof of concept chat app and was immediately able to get up and running with ease. “I just looked at the documentation, created a POC, and then 10 minutes later chat was working,” said Palmer. 

Now by relying on PubNub’s infrastructure, their team is able to significantly reduce development time, which allows them to focus on innovating their product instead of worrying about the issues that come along with building out a system on their own. “The reliability and the simplicity of PubNub is crucial for us,” said Palmer. “The platform saves our developers a lot of effort because if they were using any other messaging solution, these efforts would increase every time we want to spin up a customer.”

Delivering personalized content that drives engagement

Today, RNL QuadWrangle uses PubNub to power their messaging infrastructure, ensuring that specific content is pushed across multiple channels in their system when an event occurs. 

With PubNub, they are able to create multiple channels and subscribe users to them based on different demographic and interest criteria. Using PubNub Functions, their platform then can customize and send emails to alumni simultaneously across all those channels. “A school might have 250,000 people in their database and they might want to send out a personalized email to 250,000 different emails,'' said Palmer. “With PubNub, our system can simultaneously send each of those unique emails quickly and without delay.”

This functionality is a critical component of their platform, as it enables them to reach massive audiences as needed with low latency messaging. “The main problem that PubNub is solving for us when it comes to messaging is that everything is dynamic, and that's what we need—a messaging solution we can set and forget because we know it’s reliable,” said Palmer.

Using PubNub’s messaging infrastructure has enabled RNL QuadWrangle to increase alumni engagement and donations for their customers by reaching more users, quicker, with personalized content that engages each individual. 

Building beyond their initial use case 

Looking ahead as Palmer focuses on the future of RNL QuadWrangle’s product offering, he feels confident that PubNub’s infrastructure will continue to support them as they evolve their platform's functionality. 

“What really has us excited is the fact that I don't have to worry about re-architecting anything as we start thinking about new product iterations and integrations,” said Palmer. “I don’t have to worry about creating additional burdens on our team in order to make sure that messaging works, and because of that they are free to work on more important and higher-level projects.”

By using PubNub to power their backend infrastructure, RNL QuadWrangle doesn’t have to spin up from scratch. They can easily transmit large amounts of data, ensuring that every change is available in real time and at scale so they can focus on what matters the most: driving alumni engagement for their customers. 

Powering innovative experiences with a trustworthy partner 

With PubNub, RNL QuadWrangle can seamlessly power its alumni engagement platform with a flexible messaging infrastructure that delivers the right message to the right channel based on each individual in their system. 

“That's why I like PubNub so much, the fact that I don't have to think about it: it just works,” said Palmer. 

If you would like to learn how PubNub can help you easily power engaging online experiences—get in touch with our team of experts.