
HTTP vs. HTTP/2 vs. HTTP/3: What’s the Difference?

5 min read Michael Carroll on Nov 7, 2023
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Since web communication demands evolution, three versions of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)—HTTP, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3—have evolved to meet relentless demands for speed, security, and efficiency. 

Let's explore these protocols, their unique features, and their implications for web development.

HTTP: The foundation

HTTP/1 is the original HTTP protocol. Version 1.0, introduced in 1996, used a simple request-response model where a client sends a request to a server and the server sends one back to the client. These responses were transmitted as plain text over the network with the header and body separated by a blank line. 

HTTP/1.0 was made for a simple web environment and static web pages. As the internet became more complex and dynamic, HTTP/1.0 was insufficient.

HTTP/1.1 arrived in 1999 offering notable improvements:

  • Persistent connections: Enabled multiple requests and responses on a single Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection, reducing connection overhead and enhancing performance

  • Pipelining: Supported sending multiple requests without waiting for responses, reducing latency and boosting performance

  • Caching: Introduced cache-control directives, reducing data transmission between clients and servers

  • Chunked transfer encoding: Enabled efficient transfer of large data in chunks, lowering latency

  • Improved error handling: Provided detailed error codes for easier troubleshooting

However, HTTP/1.1 had limitations:

  • Lack of multiplexing: Sent one request and response simultaneously on a single connection, hindering concurrent request handling

  • Header inefficiency: Sent headers with each request and response, resulting in substantial overhead, especially for large data transfers

  • Inability to prioritize requests: Processed requests without regard to importance or urgency

  • No server push support: Lacked the ability for the server to initiate data transfer without client requests

  • Inefficient TCP handling: Depended on TCP for data transfer, leading to performance issues, especially with high-latency connections

HTTP/2: A leap forward

Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2 (HTTP/2), introduced in 2015, is a significant advancement over HTTP/1.1 because it overcame performance limitations while maintaining compatibility with existing applications.

HTTP/2 Key improvements:

  • Multiplexing: Multiplexing allows multiple requests and responses over a single connection, enhancing performance by reducing connection overhead and optimizing network resource utilization.

  • Binary protocol: Unlike HTTP/1.1's text-based protocol, HTTP/2 employs a binary protocol, reducing data size and enhancing efficiency. Smoother parsing and reduced network resource usage result from this shift.

  • Header compression: This minimizes header data size, reduces latency, and accelerates page loading, especially for users on slower connections.

  • Server push: Server push enables the server to proactively send multiple responses to a single client request. This optimizes web application speed and efficiency by minimizing additional requests and server round trips.

  • Prioritization: Clients can specify request priorities, enhancing responsiveness and reducing latency. Priority-based request processing provides an efficient user experience.

While HTTP/2 offers substantial performance improvements, considerations include:

  • Implementation complexity: HTTP/2 is more intricate than HTTP/1.1, potentially requiring additional implementation and maintenance efforts.

  • Server resource usage: HTTP/2 can consume more server resources in scenarios with numerous concurrent connections.

  • Interoperability challenges: Limited web server and browser support may lead to interoperability issues. Older applications may require configuration and testing.

  • Security implications: The binary data in HTTP/2 can pose challenges in network traffic inspection and security.

  • Performance constraints: Despite improvements, HTTP/2's performance remains influenced by network latency and bandwidth.

HTTP/3: Pioneering the future

HTTP/3 , released in July 2022, is the latest iteration of HTTP protocol and represents the cutting edge of web communication technology. Focusing on enhancing web communication performance and security. HTTP/3 replaces TCP with Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC), a new transport protocol developed by Google to establish a reliable, low-latency connection between web servers and clients. HTTP/3 has now become a standard & common web communication protocol.

Key improvements and features:

  • QUIC protocol: HTTP/3 embraces QUIC, offering swift connection setup, inherent encryption, and improved congestion control. It eliminates head-of-line blocking, enhancing web performance.

  • UDP-based transport: HTTP/3 utilizes the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) for faster, lower-latency data transmission. QUIC ensures reliability of delivery.

  • Connection migration: QUIC supports seamless network interface switches, benefitting mobile devices which frequently change networks.

  • Improved security: HTTP/3 prioritizes security, incorporating Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3-based encryption. Additional measures safeguard against tampering and forgery.

HTTP/3 Drawbacks and challenges:

  • Compatibility: HTTP/3's limited support across servers, clients, and networks may hinder adoption, especially for older systems.

  • Complexity: QUIC's complexity could complicate implementation and troubleshooting.

  • Overhead: QUIC introduces its own overhead, potentially affecting performance on specific networks.

  • Security concerns: Security issues, including denial-of-service and interception risks, persist with the QUIC protocol.

  • Interoperability: Ensuring smooth interoperability with various networks and middleboxes remains a concern.

  • Resource demands: HTTP/3 may require more resources, posing challenges for smaller websites.

Comparing HTTP vs. HTTP/2 vs. HTTP/3: Building a better web

What does this mean for your operations? Let's compare.


HTTP/2 improved web performance by enabling multiple requests and responses on a single connection, reducing latency. HTTP/3, powered by QUIC, elevates speed and efficiency further by replacing TCP with UDP-based transport, making it exceptionally fast, especially for real-time applications and mobile devices.


Both HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 support encryption for enhanced security. HTTP/3 mandates TLS 1.3 encryption and offers improved protection against vulnerabilities and streamlined troubleshooting, making it the most secure choice.

Browser/server support

HTTP/2 enjoys widespread support among modern browsers, servers, and content delivery networks (CDNs). HTTP/3, while still in the adoption process, is rapidly gaining traction, becoming the protocol of the future. It offers superior performance and security, making it particularly suitable for applications prioritizing speed, security, and seamless network transitions.

HTTP vs. HTTP/2 vs. HTTP/3: Using each protocol effectively

Each protocol has a specific place in today's web communication.

HTTP/1: Basic web communication

HTTP is the foundation for web communication and a suitable choice for straightforward websites, simple data transfers, and legacy systems. It's easy to implement and works well for traditional online content. The general public may not even notice they still use this protocol.

HTTP/2: Enhancing web performance for modern websites

HTTP/2 is a significant upgrade, designed to enhance the performance of most modern websites. It's ideal for content-rich sites, e-commerce platforms, and any web application looking to improve load times and user experience.

HTTP/2's multiplexing, header compression, and server push capabilities optimize multimedia content delivery, reduce latency, and handle multiple requests efficiently.

HTTP/3: Cutting-edge web applications requiring maximum speed and security

HTTP/3 is designed for cutting-edge web applications demanding top-tier speed and security. It excels in regions with limited high-speed wireless internet access, enhancing the overall web experience. 

  • HTTP/3 uses its core strengths to address various scenarios: 

  • It makes communication with Internet of Things (IoT) applications, with attached sensors and standalone IoT devices, more reliable by resolving wireless connection challenges.

  • HTTP/3 minimizes latency, streamlines data transfers, and enhances data isolation within microservices architectures. 

  • Web-based virtual reality applications benefit from HTTP/3's bandwidth capabilities to efficiently render intricate scenes. 

In summary, HTTP/3 empowers web applications across diverse cutting-edge scenarios delivering speed, security, and efficiency. 

Pioneering the future of web communication with HTTP/3

The evolution of HTTP propels users into a faster, more efficient, and secure digital future. HTTP/3 has the power to reshape the digital landscape and deliver an exceptional internet experience.

Welcome to the future of web communication.

PubNub is ready to help you take advantage of HTTP/3 and all it offers. We are a leading real-time communication platform that seamlessly integrates with HTTP/3 to enhance web applications' speed, security, and efficiency. 

Features like Pub/Sub messaging and presence detection enable synchronized, low-latency data exchange. Developers who use PubNub’s real-time capabilities with HTTP/3 have the power to create cutting-edge web applications that deliver secure, real-time experiences on a global level.

Contact us or set up a free trial to see our capabilities in action.