Markus Kohler

Sentiment Analysis with PubNub Functions and HuggingFace
InsightsApr 4, 2024

Sentiment Analysis with PubNub Functions and HuggingFace

Explore the perks and use cases of sentiment analysis by utilizing PubNub Functions and HuggingFace. Quickly integrate your real-time application with HuggingFace AI models by utilizing PubNub integrations.
Markus Kohler
Markus Kohler
Developer Advocate, PubNub
5 Ways PubNub Illuminate Will Revolutionize Online Gaming
GamingMar 20, 2024

5 Ways PubNub Illuminate Will Revolutionize Online Gaming

PubNub's real-time decisioning and analytics solutions is poised to shape the way online games evolve to keep their players and publishers happy. Let's explore 5 key ways in which PubNub Illuminate will do this.
Markus Kohler
Markus Kohler
Developer Advocate, PubNub
SMS Notification System with PubNub and IFTTT
BuildMar 14, 2024

SMS Notification System with PubNub and IFTTT

Using a combination of both PubNub and IFTTT, it is possible to quickly create an SMS notification system ensuring users receive alerts around significant occurrences.
Markus Kohler
Markus Kohler
Developer Advocate, PubNub
Creating a Secure Login on Android using Google OAuth
BuildMar 10, 2024

Creating a Secure Login on Android using Google OAuth

How to build secure Google sign-in functionality to your mobile Android app using OAuth 2.0 and Functions.
Markus Kohler
Markus Kohler
Developer Advocate, PubNub
React Native in Real Time: Pub/Sub, Geolocation, Presence
ChatMar 8, 2024

React Native in Real Time: Pub/Sub, Geolocation, Presence

An overview of building real-time features with React Native and PubNub, including pub/sub messaging, Presence, geolocation tracking, and history.
Markus Kohler
Markus Kohler
Developer Advocate, PubNub
Live Chat Moderation with AI: Enhancing Customer Experiences
InsightsMar 8, 2024

Live Chat Moderation with AI: Enhancing Customer Experiences

Companies have integrated chat into customer service and other live events, making live chat an engaging touchpoint for customers. However, now that everyone is doing it, how can businesses evolve their live chat strategy to differentiate from the crowd?
Markus Kohler
Markus Kohler
Developer Advocate, PubNub
How to Build a Real-time Voting App with .NET and C#
BuildMar 5, 2024

How to Build a Real-time Voting App with .NET and C#

Create a real-time voting app in the browser with C# and .NET, allowing users to vote and view updated results in real time. We use the PubNub C# SDK for both publish() and DetailedHistory to demonstrate the voting web app. The tutorial includes creating schemas, publishing messages over WebSockets,...
Markus Kohler
Markus Kohler
Developer Advocate, PubNub
How to Create a Real-time Public Transportation Schedule App
BuildFeb 29, 2024

How to Create a Real-time Public Transportation Schedule App

A comprehensive blog post on using geohashing, JavaScript, Google Maps API, and BART API to create a real-time public transit schedule app.
Markus Kohler
Markus Kohler
Developer Advocate, PubNub
Building a Chat Application Using Angular
ChatFeb 29, 2024

Building a Chat Application Using Angular

Learn about creating Angular chat applications. Explore new technologies used and discover common features of popular chat applications.
Markus Kohler
Markus Kohler
Developer Advocate, PubNub