HuggingFace - Serveless API

Generate human-like text and support various applications, including language translation, text modification, question answering, sentiment analysis, and creating content for chatbots.

Use Cases

Chatbots: Utilize HuggingFace's models to provide prompt, conversational responses. Seamlessly integrate these chatbots into websites, messaging apps, or customer support systems.

Notifications: Generate personalised, concise notifications tailored to individual preferences and engagement history using HuggingFace's models.

Translations: Deliver real-time translation services, providing instantaneous translations as users type or speak in different languages for on-the-fly language interpretation.

Chat Moderation: Implement real-time chat moderation to maintain a safe and respectful environment in your communication platforms.

Sentiment Analysis: Analyse user sentiment in real-time to gain insights into customer opinions and feedback.


  1. Create an Account: Sign up for an account on HuggingFace.

  2. Obtain Hugging Face API Key:

    • Navigate to the HuggingFace settings page:

      HuggingFace Tokens

    • Click the "New token" button to generate your HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY.

  3. API Key and Model Setup:

    1. Add your HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY, HuggingFace API URL, and specify the HuggingFace model you wish to use.

    2. Paste your HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY when setting up the Integration in next steps

  4. Admin Portal Configuration:

    • Login or register to the Admin Portal.

    • Select "Functions." and desired App and Keyset

    • Select "Explore Templates" and proceed with the Hugging Face integration with API Key

  5. Module Activation:

    • Click the "Next" button in the top left area of the editor.

    • Click the "Start Module" button in the top right.

    • Run a test by clicking "PUBLISH" in the left panel below the "Test Payload" section.

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