PubNub Kafka Bridge

Seamlessly bridge events from your Kafka deployment in and out of PubNub, unlocking real-time events for app developers.
The new PubNub Kafka Sink Connector and Events and Actions Kafka Broker configuration for sending/receive message between PubNub and Kafka

Extend events directly to the Edge

Event-driven architectures (EDA) are helping accelerate software development, generate real-time functionality and insights, and decouple monolithic systems.  Kafka is fast becoming one of the defacto Event Brokers for EDA development.

But Kakfa is not designed to directly connect with edge devices, like smartphones, browsers, IoT devices, and laptops. That’s where PubNub comes in.  

PubNub is a complete platform for building, managing, and optimizing real-time apps. Often, much of the real-time data needed for these apps comes directly from our customers' systems, where events are already streaming through Kafka.  And, there is also a common need to stream events from edge devices back into Kafka, with optional filtering, aggregation, and other pre-processing needed “at the edge” (i.e. within PubNub’s network) before those events are sent to Kafka.  

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Stream important events in real-time directly to Apps.

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Extend your events to the edge in a secure way that doesn’t require specialized custom gateways to be running within your environment.

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Bridge multiple data centers (or hybrid data center deployments) without setting up complex VPC environments.

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Syndicate data streams to business partners, exposing a secure streaming API via PubNub to them, with a zero-trust security model that allows you to filter, configure, and disable event streams at ease.

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Build apps that stream real-time events directly to each other (like large chat rooms, device locations, IoT sensor readings, and more), while still ensuring all events (or a subset of key events) stream simultaneously into Kafka for analysis, archiving, and more.

PubNub Kafka Bridge

PubNub's Bridge for Kafka/NATS allows your teams to share specific topics of information between teams
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The PubNub Kafka Bridge is actually composed of two separate components. To send Kafka events into PubNub, we have a Kafka Connect Sink Connector that plugs directly into your Kafka deployment. 

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To send PubNub events into Kafka, PubNub has a fully managed Kafka Action, available from within our Events & Actions service.  PubNub’s Kafka Action allows you to filter for events that match specific patterns, and also provides configurable retry logic in case your Kafka instance is temporarily unavailable.

Ready to get started?