Mindlogic is Creating a Bot You Actually Want to Chat With

Mindlogic uses PubNub to provide the foundation for their ChatGPT bot so that they can focus on their core competency.

With PubNub, Mindlogic:

  • Focused on developing their core technology while outsourcing the essential but non-core technology.

  • Safely scaled their chat solutions to massive, multi-directional volumes without worrying about reliability.

  • Provided their customers with state-of-the-art ChatAPI solutions.

Mindlogic is Creating a Bot You Actually Want to Chat With

"It is not easy to quantify the positive effect of using PubNub. However, when it comes to a start-up’s resource planning, it is not a question of how much it can save, but a question of whether it can start and complete a project. Without our trusted partner, PubNub, we wouldn’t be able to complete our ChatAPI project.”  -Jinwook Kim, Co-CEO at Mindlogic

Meet Mindlogic 

Mindlogic was founded in 2019 with the goal of developing AI that people actually want to talk to. 

Virtually every company with an internet presence can benefit from integrating online customer service and chat into their website. But unless that company wants to have an operator manually answer the same questions day after day, they will need to set up a chatbot that will automatically route and solve their most routine customer service calls.

Most businesses use a basic chatbot that can respond to a handful of pre-determined questions, but wouldn’t it be unique if a bot could answer any question accurately and with empathy? Although most businesses understand that ChatGPT and generative AI have incredible potential to enhance their business operations, most don’t know where to start or how to integrate AI into their processes.

This is where Mindlogic comes in. Mindlogic has developed an advanced dialogue AI agent that can explain and sell products to end users like a professional salesperson and can correctly answer any question from visitors with kindness that was previously only accessible with human agents.

Building a platform that can support real-time, multi-directional chat

When Mindlogic was founded in 2019, it used its own chat system. At the time, Mindlogic had a B2C "Virtual Boyfriend/Girlfriend" mobile app service that was relatively simple: only a handful of chatbots were provided to users and they could only facilitate conversation between a single user and a single AI agent. 

Mindlogic’s next project, called "Opentown,” required a much more sophisticated chat system. Opentown users created more than 250 thousand AI chatbots that could talk with many other users in group conversations. Now that Opentown needed to provide multi-directional, multi-user conversation services, Mindlogic had to decide whether their developers would continue building their own chat system or adopt a third-party solution. 

Mindlogic co-founder and co-CEO Jinwook Kim decided that their best course of action would be to use a third-party chat solution so that their developers could focus all of their attention on creating the actual AI chatbot.

After comparing different vendors that provided similar functionalities, Mindlogic decided on PubNub as their main chat solution. 

PubNub’s API is easily integrated with security and stability

Mindlogic ChatAPI’s B2C and B2B services require heavy chat functionality among many AIs and users simultaneously.

Installing PubNub was quite straightforward for Mindlogic. Jinwook Kim credits this to PubNub’s well-written API instruction documents and the experience Mindlogic already had gained on how a chat system should work. “So, there were no specific challenges or difficulties in adopting PubNub,” says Kim. 

Additionally, a 24/7 support team with dedicated Solution Architects can act as an extension of your engineering team and help develop plans for new users.

PubNub has no concurrency or channel limits, so Mindlogic could scale their services without worrying about too much growth blowing up their budget.

At this point, users expect a certain minimum level of features when using chat services. PubNub’s standard messaging features include push notifications, channels, moderation, files, integrations, channels, and reactions.

PubNub provides a foundation for chat that lets Mindlogic thrive

For Jinwook Kim, the benefits of PubNub’s chat platform come in the form of allowing their developers to work on what they’re best at. “Obviously, developing our own chatting solution that supports massive conversations among AIs and users would have required a lot of energy and attention,” says Kim. “By using PubNub, we were able to save and redirect such energy towards AI technology development, which is our core competency.”

Because PubNub has no concurrency or channel limits, Mindlogic can confidently continue to scale its services as it grows.

This arrangement helps Mindlogic’s customers enjoy the best version of the ChatAPI solution. Jinwook Kim states that the reason Mindlogic was able to develop such innovative technologies is because they have been focusing on the core technology development while using PubNub’s scalable chat solution.

“When it comes to a start-up’s resource planning, it is not a question of how much it can save, but a question of whether it can start and complete a project,” says Kim. “A start-up needs to choose one project over another. Mindlogic chose to focus on developing its own core technology while outsourcing the essential but non-core technology (in this case, the chatting infrastructure) to our partner, PubNub. Without our trusted partner, PubNub, we wouldn’t be able to complete our ChatAPI project.”

Today, Mindlogic ChatAPI is being used for a variety of AI dialogue agents, including sales, information, customer support, and internal knowledge management chatbots. The chat volume and user size for each chatbot vary. Mindlogic uses its own proprietary dialogue engine to send out prompts and get back answers from ChatGPT multiple times to acquire a result—and it also refers to the client’s database as necessary. This process is very complex and requires top-notch technologies and know-how, so it is vital that a chat solution ensures the entire process runs as smoothly and seamlessly as possible. The capability and stability to do this is provided by PubNub.  

“I am sure PubNub is the solution we can rely on for such complex and time-sensitive tasks,” says Kim


If you, like Mindlogic, could benefit from making your virtual events more engaging, joyful, and energetic, reach out to our sales team to learn about how our real-time, in-app chat, unlimited concurrent users, reaction streams, and other features can elevate your platform.