Utility Methods API for PubNub Kotlin SDK

Breaking changes in v9.0.0

PubNub Kotlin SDK version 9.0.0 unifies the codebases for Kotlin and Java SDKs, introduces a new way of instantiating the PubNub client, and changes asynchronous API callbacks and emitted status events. These changes can impact applications built with previous versions (< 9.0.0 ) of the Kotlin SDK.

For more details about what has changed, refer to Java/Kotlin SDK migration guide.

The methods on this page are utility methods that don't fit into other categories.

Request execution

Most PubNub Kotlin SDK method invocations return an Endpoint object, which allows you to decide whether to perform the operation synchronously or asynchronously.

You must invoke the .sync() or .async() method on the Endpoint to execute the request, or the operation will not be performed.

val channel = pubnub.channel("channelName")

channel.publish("This SDK rules!").async { result ->
result.onFailure { exception ->
// Handle error
}.onSuccess { value ->
// Handle successful method result

Create Push Payload

This method creates the push payload for use in the appropriate endpoint calls.


val pushPayloadHelper = PushPayloadHelper()

val fcmPayload = FCMPayload()
val apnsPayload = APNSPayload()

pushPayloadHelper.fcmPayload = fcmPayload
pushPayloadHelper.apnsPayload = apnsPayload
apnsPayloadAPNSPayloadOptionalSet APNS and APNS2 Payload. Associated devices will receive only the data supplied here within the pn_apns key.
fcmPayloadFCMPayloadOptionalSet FCM Payload. Associated devices will receive only the data supplied here within the pn_gcm key.
commonPayloadMap<String, Any>OptionalSet common Payload. Native PubNub subscribers will receive the data provided here, together with the pn_apns and pn_gcm objects.
buildMap<String, Any>YesBuilds the payload from the values set using the parameters.

Basic Usage

Create Push Payload

// Create an instance of PushPayloadHelper
val pushPayloadHelper = PushPayloadHelper()

// Setup FCM parameters (FCMPayload)
val fcmPayload = FCMPayload().apply {
notification = FCMPayload.Notification().apply {
title = "Notification title"
body = "Notification body text"
image = "http://example.com/image.png"
data = mapOf(
"city" to "sf",
"count" to 71,
"is_private" to true
show all 74 lines


The PushPayloadHelper#build() operation returns a Map<String, Any> which can be passed directly as the message parameter to the pubnub.publish() method.


This function allow to encrypt the data.


The cipherKey parameter in this method is deprecated. We recommend that you configure a seprate instance of the crypto module and use it for partial encryption.

If you pass cipherKey as an argument, it overrides the crypto module configuration and the legacy encryption with 128-bit cipher key entropy is used.


To encrypt the data you can use the following method(s) in Kotlin SDK.

inputString: String,
cipherKey: String
inputStringStringYesThe data to encrypt.
cipherKeyStringOptionalCipher key to use for encryption. If provided, the legacy encryption with 128-bit cipher key entropy is used. If not provided, the cryptoModule from PubNub config will be used.

For more information, refer to Crypto module configuration.

Basic Usage

Encrypt part of message

val aesCbcCryptoModule = CryptoModule.createAesCbcCryptoModule(cipherKey = "myCipherKey01", randomIv = true)
val stringToBeEncrypted = "string to be encrypted"
val encryptedData = aesCbcCryptoModule.encrypt(stringToBeEncrypted.toByteArray())


It returns the encrypted inputString as a String.

Encrypt File Input Stream

Encrypts input stream with a cipher key.


The cipherKey parameter in this method is deprecated. We recommend that you configure a seprate instance of the crypto module and use it for partial encryption.

If you pass cipherKey as an argument, it overrides the crypto module configuration and the legacy encryption with 128-bit cipher key entropy is used.


pubnub.encryptInputStream(inputStream: InputStream, cipherKey: String)
inputStreamInputStreamYesStream with content to encrypt.
cipherKeyStringOptionalPNConfiguration.getCipherKey()If provided, the legacy encryption with 128-bit cipher key entropy is used. If not provided, the cryptoModule from PubNub config will be used.

For more information, refer to Crypto module configuration.

Basic Usage

val aesCbcCryptoModule = CryptoModule.createAesCbcCryptoModule(cipherKey = "myCipherKey01", randomIv = true)

val encryptedStream = aesCbcCryptoModule.encryptStream(stringToBeEncrypted.byteInputStream())


InputStream with encrypted data.


This function allow to decrypt the data.


The cipherKey parameter in this method is deprecated. We recommend that you configure a seprate instance of the crypto module and use it for partial encryption.

If you pass cipherKey as an argument, it overrides the crypto module configuration and the legacy encryption with 128-bit cipher key entropy is used.


inputString: String,
cipherKey: String

To decrypt the data you can use the following method(s) in Kotlin SDK.

inputStringStringYesThe data to decrypt.
cipherKeyStringOptionalCipher key to use for decryption.

Basic Usage

val aesCbcCryptoModule = CryptoModule.createAesCbcCryptoModule(cipherKey = "myCipherKey01", randomIv = true)
val stringToBeEncrypted = "string to be encrypted"
val encryptedData = aesCbcCryptoModule.encrypt(stringToBeEncrypted.toByteArray())
val decryptedData = aesCbcCryptoModule.decrypt(encryptedData)


It returns the decrypted inputString as a String.

Decrypt File Input Stream


Decrypts input stream with a cipher key.


The cipherKey parameter in this method is deprecated. We recommend that you configure a seprate instance of the crypto module and use it for partial encryption.

If you pass cipherKey as an argument, it overrides the crypto module configuration and the legacy encryption with 128-bit cipher key entropy is used.

pubnub.decryptInputStream(inputStream: InputStream, cipherKey: String)
inputStreamInputStreamYesStream with content encrypted data.
cipherKeyStringOptionalPNConfiguration.getCipherKey()Cipher key to use for encryption. If provided, the legacy encryption with 128-bit cipher key entropy is used. If not provided, the cryptoModule from PubNub config will be used.

For more information, refer to Crypto module configuration.

Basic Usage

val aesCbcCryptoModule = CryptoModule.createAesCbcCryptoModule(cipherKey = "myCipherKey01", randomIv = true)

val encryptedStream = aesCbcCryptoModule.encryptStream(stringToBeEncrypted.byteInputStream())
val decryptedStream = aesCbcCryptoModule.decryptStream(encryptedStream)


InputStream with decrypted data.


Destroy frees up the threads and allows for clean exit.



Basic Usage




Get Subscribed Channel Groups

Returns all the subscribed channel groups in a List<String>.


To Get Subscribe Channel Groups you can use the following method(s) in the Kotlin SDK:

fun getSubscribedChannelGroups(): List<String>

Basic Usage

val subscribedChannels = pubnub.getSubscribedChannels()



["channel1", "channel2"]


Call the disconnect() method to force the SDK to stop all requests to PubNub server when there are active subscribe channels.


To disconnect() the data transmission you can use the following method(s) in Kotlin SDK.


This method doesn't take any arguments.

Basic Usage



Call the reconnect() method to force the SDK to try and reach out PubNub.


To reconnect() the data you can use the following method(s) in Kotlin SDK.


This method doesn't take any arguments.

Basic Usage



This function will return a 17 digit precision Unix epoch.

Algorithm constructing the timetoken
timetoken = (Unix epoch time in seconds) * 10000000

Example of creating a timetoken for a specific time and date:

08/19/2013 @ 9:20pm in UTC = 1376961606
timetoken = 1376961606 * 10000000
timetoken = 13769616060000000


To fetch Time you can use the following method(s) in Kotlin SDK:


Basic Usage

Get PubNub Timetoken

.async { result, status ->
if (!status.error) {
} else {
// handle error


The time() operation returns a PNTimeResult? which contains the following operations:

timetokenLongReturns a long representation of current timetoken.
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