Platform Support for PubNub Windows C++ SDK

POSIX C SDK 4.11.2

  • source code: GitHub release

    GitHub release

POSIX C++ SDK 4.11.2

  • source code: GitHub release

    GitHub release

Windows C SDK 4.11.2

  • source code: GitHub release

    GitHub release

Windows C++ SDK 4.11.2

  • source code: GitHub release

    GitHub release

FreeRTOS SDK 4.11.2

  • source code: GitHub release

    GitHub release

Qt SDK 4.11.2

  • source code: GitHub release

    GitHub release

mBed SDK 4.11.2

  • source code: GitHub release

    GitHub release

Target Platforms

  • Most modern Unix-derived OSes support enough of POSIX to work. For some, like MacOS (OSX) we have special support to handle them not being fully POSIX compliant. Basically, if the OS is released in last 3/4 years, it will most probably work.
  • Some older OSes, like Ubuntu 12.04 or older, may need a few tweaks to work.
  • For TLS/SSL support, we use OpenSSL, and a recent version, 0.9.8 or higher should work. If the user doe snot wish to use TLS/SSL, she does not need OpenSSL at all.

Target Platforms

  • Most modern Unix-derived OSes support enough of POSIX to work. For some, like MacOS (OSX) we have special support to handle them not being fully POSIX compliant. Basically, if the OS is released in last 3/4 years, it will most probably work.
  • Some older OSes, like Ubuntu 12.04 or older, may need a few tweaks to work.
  • For TLS/SSL support, we use OpenSSL, and a recent version, 0.9.8 or higher should work. If the user does not wish to use TLS/SSL, she does not need OpenSSL at all.
  • Some features require C++11 or newer compliant compiler, if you do not have such a compiler you will not be able to use those features (but will be able to use the rest of the POSIX C++ SDK)

Target Platforms

  • Windows 7 or newer with Visual Studio 2008 or newer should work. Newer versions of Clang for Windows and GCC (MINGW or Cygwin) should also work.
  • For TLS/SSL support, we use OpenSSL, and a recent version, 0.9.8 or higher should work. If the user doesn't wish to use TLS/SSL, she does not need OpenSSL at all.

Target Platforms

  • Windows 7 or newer with Visual Studio 2008 or newer should work. Newer versions of Clang for Windows and GCC (MINGW or Cygwin) should also work.
  • For TLS/SSL support, we use OpenSSL, and a recent version, 0.9.8 or higher should work. If the user doesn't wish to use TLS/SSL, she does not need OpenSSL at all.
  • Some features require C++11 or newer compliant compiler, if you do not have such a compiler you will not be able to use those features (but will be able to use the rest of the Windows C++ SDK)

Target Platforms

  • FreeRTOS+ 150825 or newer is supported.

Target Platforms

  • Qt5 is fully supported.
  • Qt4 is not supported, but 'C core' is known to build on Qt4 and some features work.
  • Older versions are not supported.

Target Platforms

  • mBed 2 is supported.
  • Newer versions should work, but are not supported out of the box.

Target Platforms

  • ESP-IDF 5.2.1 is supported
  • Newer versions should work, but are not supported out of the box.
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