Troubleshooting PubNub Cocoa Swift SDK

This SDK has been replaced by a new PubNub Swift SDK written purely in Swift. Check it out here.

Use this code to enable logging:

self.client.logger.enabled = true
Enable logging

To enable logging before SDK version 4.5.0. You can use this: PNLog.enabled(true)

How to find the version of your SDK

To find your exact version, do one of the following:

  • In your Xcode project, navigate to PubNub > Misc > PNConstants.h

  • Or, to access it through code:

    let version = PubNub.information().version

Sending Logs to Support

Use a tool such as iExplorer or Devices (in menu bar, Window > Devices) in Xcode to grab the logs from the APPNAME/Documents directory on your device, and include them in your support ticket.

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