Message Reactions API for PubNub Cocoa Objective-C SDK

Add or remove actions on published messages to build features like receipts, reactions, or to associate custom metadata to messages. Clients can subscribe to a channel to receive message action events on that channel. They can also fetch past message actions from Message Persistence independently or when they fetch original messages.

Add Message Reaction

Requires Presence add-on

This method requires that the Presence add-on is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.

Add an action on a published message. Returns the added action in the response.


To Add a Message Reaction you can use the following method(s) in the Cocoa SDK:

- (void)addMessageActionWithRequest:(PNAddMessageActionRequest *)request
completion:(nullable PNAddMessageActionCompletionBlock)block;
requestPNAddMessageActionRequestYesAdd message action request with all information about new message action which will be passed to PubNub service.
blockPNAddMessageActionCompletionBlockNoAdd message action request completion block.


typeNSStringYesWhat feature this message action represents. Maximum 15 characters.
valueNSStringYesValue which should be added with message action type.
channelNSStringYesName of channel which stores the message for which action should be added.
messageTimetokenNSNumberYesTimetoken (PubNub's high precision timestamp) of message to which action should be added.

Basic Usage

PNAddMessageActionRequest *request = [PNAddMessageActionRequest requestWithChannel:@"chat"
request.type = @"reaction";
request.value = @"smile";

[self.client addMessageActionWithRequest:request completion:^(PNAddMessageActionStatus *status) {
if (!status.isError) {
* Message action successfully added.
* Created message action information available here:
} else {
if (status.statusCode == 207) {
// Message action has been added, but event not published.
} else {
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Response objects which is returned by client when add message action Message Reaction API is used:

@interface PNAddMessageActionData : PNServiceData

// Added message action.
@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly, strong) PNMessageAction *action;


@interface PNAddMessageActionStatus : PNAcknowledgmentStatus

// Add message action request processed information.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) PNAddMessageActionData *data;


Add Message Reaction (Builder Pattern)

Requires Message Persistence

This method requires that Message Persistence is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.

Add an action on a published message. Returns the added action in the response.


To Add a Message Reaction you can use the following method(s) in the Cocoa SDK:

.channel(NSString *)
.messageTimetoken(NSNumber *)
.type(NSString *)
.value(NSString *)
.performWithCompletion(nullable PNAddMessageActionCompletionBlock);
channelNSStringYesName of channel which store message for which action should be added.
messageTimetokenNSNumberYesTimetoken of message for which action should be added.
typeNSStringYesWhat feature this message action represents.
valueNSStringYesValue which should be stored along with message action.
blockPNAddMessageActionCompletionBlockNoAdd message action request completion block.

Basic Usage

.performWithCompletion(^(PNAddMessageActionStatus *status) {
if (!status.isError) {
* Message action successfully added.
* Created message action information available here:
} else {
if (status.statusCode == 207) {
// Message action has been added, but event not published.
} else {
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Response objects which is returned by client when add message action Message Reaction API is used:

@interface PNAddMessageActionData : PNServiceData

// Added message action.
@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly, strong) PNMessageAction *action;


@interface PNAddMessageActionStatus : PNAcknowledgmentStatus

// Add message action request processed information.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) PNAddMessageActionData *data;


Remove Message Reaction

Requires Message Persistence

This method requires that Message Persistence is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.

Remove a peviously added action on a published message. Returns an empty response.


To Remove a Message Reaction you can use the following method(s) in the Cocoa SDK:

- (void)removeMessageActionWithRequest:(PNRemoveMessageActionRequest *)request
completion:(nullable PNRemoveMessageActionCompletionBlock)block;
requestPNRemoveMessageActionRequestYesRemove message action request with information about existing message action.
blockPNRemoveMessageActionCompletionBlockNoRemove message action request completion block.


actionTimetokenNSNumberYesMessage action addition timetoken.
channelNSStringYesName of channel which store message for which action should be removed.
messageTimetokenNSNumberYesTimetoken (PubNub's high precision timestamp) of message to which action should be removed.

Basic Usage

PNRemoveMessageActionRequest *request = [PNRemoveMessageActionRequest requestWithChannel:@"chat"
request.actionTimetoken = @(1234567891);

[self.client removeMessageActionWithRequest:request
completion:^(PNAcknowledgmentStatus *status) {

if (!status.isError) {
// Message action successfully removed.
} else {
* Handle remove message action error. Check 'category' property to find out possible
* issue because of which request did fail.
* Request can be resent using: [status retry]
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Response objects which is returned by client when remove message action Message Reaction API is used:

@interface PNErrorData : PNServiceData

// Stringified error information.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSString *information;


@interface PNAcknowledgmentStatus : PNErrorStatus

// Whether status object represent error or not.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, assign, getter = isError) BOOL error;

// Additional information related to error status object.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) PNErrorData *errorData;

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Remove Message Reaction (Builder Pattern)

Requires Message Persistence

This method requires that Message Persistence is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.

Remove a peviously added action on a published message. Returns an empty response.


.channel(NSString *)
.messageTimetoken(NSNumber *)
.actionTimetoken(NSNumber *)
.performWithCompletion(nullable PNRemoveMessageActionCompletionBlock);
channelNSStringYesName of channel which store message for which action should be removed.
messageTimetokenNSNumberYesTimetoken of message for which action should be removed.
actionTimetokenNSNumberYesAction addition timetoken.
blockPNRemoveMessageActionCompletionBlockNoRemove message action request completion block.

Basic Usage

.performWithCompletion(^(PNCreateSpaceStatus *status) {
if (!status.isError) {
// Message action successfully removed.
} else {
* Handle remove message action error. Check 'category' property to find out possible
* issue because of which request did fail.
* Request can be resent using: [status retry]
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Response objects which is returned by client when remove message action Message Reaction API is used:

@interface PNErrorData : PNServiceData

// Stringified error information.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSString *information;


@interface PNAcknowledgmentStatus : PNErrorStatus

// Whether status object represent error or not.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, assign, getter = isError) BOOL error;

// Additional information related to error status object.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) PNErrorData *errorData;

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Get Message Reactions

Requires Message Persistence

This method requires that Message Persistence is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.

Get a list of message actions in a channel. Returns a list of actions sorted by the action's timetoken in ascending order.


To Get Message Reactions you can use the following method(s) in the Cocoa SDK:

- (void)fetchMessagesActionsWithRequest:(PNFetchMessagesActionsRequest *)request
requestPNFetchMessageActionsRequestYesFetch message actions request with all information which should be used to fetch existing messages actions.
blockPNFetchMessageActionsCompletionBlockYesFetch message actions request completion block.


startNSNumberYesReturn values will be less than start.
endNSNumberYesReturn values will be greater than or equal to end.
limitNSUIntegerYesNumber of messages actions to return in response.
channelNSStringYesName of channel from which list of message actions should be retrieved.

Basic Usage

PNFetchMessageActionsRequest *request = [PNFetchMessageActionsRequest requestWithChannel:@"chat"];
request.start = @(1234567891);
request.limit = 200;

[self.client fetchMessageActionsWithRequest:request
completion:^(PNFetchMessageActionsResult *result,
PNErrorStatus *status) {

if (!status.isError) {
* Message actions successfully fetched.
* Result object has following information:
* - list of message action instances
* - fetched messages actions time range start (oldest message
* action timetoken).
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Response objects which is returned by client when fetch message actions Message Reaction API is used:

@interface PNFetchMessageActionsData : PNServiceData

// List of fetched messages actions.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSArray<PNMessageAction *> *actions;

* Fetched messages actions time range start (oldest message action timetoken).
* This timetoken can be used as 'start' value to fetch older messages actions.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSNumber *start;

// Fetched messages actions time range end (newest action timetoken).
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSNumber *end;

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Error response which is used in case of Message Reaction API call failure:

@interface PNErrorData : PNServiceData

// Stringified error information.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSString *information;


@interface PNErrorStatus : PNStatus

// Whether status object represent error or not.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, assign, getter = isError) BOOL error;

// Additional information related to error status object.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) PNErrorData *errorData;

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Get Message Reactions (Builder Pattern)

Requires Message Persistence

This method requires that Message Persistence is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.

Get a list of message actions in a channel. Returns a list of actions sorted by the action's timetoken in ascending order.


To Get Message Reactions you can use the following method(s) in the Cocoa SDK:

.channel(NSString *)
.start(NSNumber *)
.end(NSNumber *)
channelNSStringYesName of channel from which list of messages actions should be retrieved.
startNSNumberNoMessage action timetoken denoting the start of the range requested. Return values will be less than start.
endNSNumberNoMessage action timetoken denoting the end of the range requested. Return values will be greater than or equal to end.
limitNSUIntegerNoNumber of message actions to return in response.
blockPNFetchMessageActionsCompletionBlockYesFetch message actions request completion block.

Basic Usage

.performWithCompletion(^(PNFetchMessageActionsResult *result,
NErrorStatus *status) {

if (!status.isError) {
* Message action successfully added.
* Result object has following information:
* - list of message action instances
* - fetched messages actions time range start (oldest message
* action timetoken).
* - fetched messages actions time range end (newest action timetoken).
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Response objects which is returned by client when fetch message actions Message Reaction API is used:

@interface PNFetchMessageActionsData : PNServiceData

// List of fetched messages actions.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSArray<PNMessageAction *> *actions;

* Fetched messages actions time range start (oldest message action timetoken).
* This timetoken can be used as 'start' value to fetch older messages actions.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSNumber *start;

// Fetched messages actions time range end (newest action timetoken).
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSNumber *end;

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Error response which is used in case of Message Reaction API call failure:

@interface PNErrorData : PNServiceData

// Stringified error information.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSString *information;


@interface PNErrorStatus : PNStatus

// Whether status object represent error or not.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, assign, getter = isError) BOOL error;

// Additional information related to error status object.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) PNErrorData *errorData;

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