Utility Methods API for PubNub AngularJS SDK

The methods on this page are utility methods that don't fit into other categories.

Close PubNub

End all open requests and close the PubNub instance.

Basic Usage

Close pubnub.



This function allows to decrypt the data.


To decrypt the data you can use the following method(s) in AngularJS SDK.

  1. decrypt(data: string, customCipherKey: ?string)
    dataStringYesThe data to decrypt.
    customCipherKeyStringOptionalIf it's not provided, the cipher key from config will be used.

Basic Usage

Decrypt part of message

var decrypted = Pubnub.decrypt(encrypted, 'myCipherKey');


It returns the decrypted data as an object.


This function allows to encrypt the data.


To encrypt the data you can use the following method(s) in AngularJS SDK.

  1. encrypt(data: string, customCipherKey: ?string)
    dataStringYesThe data to encrypt.
    customCipherKeyStringOptionalIf it's not provided, the cipher key from config will be used.

Basic Usage

Encrypt part of message

var sCypher = "testCypher";
var msgContent = "This is the data I wish to encrypt.";
console.log('msgContent: ' + msgContent);

// Encrypt with pubnub
var encryptedMessage = Pubnub.encrypt(JSON.stringify(msgContent), sCypher);
console.log('encryptedMessage PN: ' + encryptedMessage);


It returns the encrypted data as string.


Call the reconnect method to force the SDK to try and reach out PubNub.


To reconnect the data you can use the following method(s) in AngularJS SDK.

  1. reconnect()

    This method doesn't take any arguments.

Basic Usage



This function will return a 17 digit precision Unix epoch.

The timetoken is constructed using the following algorithm:
timetoken = (Unix epoch time in seconds) * 10000000

Example of creating a timetoken for a specific time and date

08/19/2013 @ 9:20pm in UTC = 1376961606
timetoken = 1376961606 * 10000000
timetoken = 13769616060000000


To fetch Time you can use the following method(s) in AngularJS SDK:

  1. time(Function callback)
    callbackFunctionYesCallback is called after a successful return.

Basic Usage

Get PubNub Timetoken

// At the tone Pubnub time will be...
Pubnub.time(function(status, response) {
if (status.error) {
// handle error if something went wrong based on the status object
} else {


//Example of status
error: false,
operation: 'PNTimeOperation',
statusCode: 200

//Example of response
timetoken: 15031768233407550

Push Notification Configuration


APNS2 configuration type.


  1. type APNS2Configuration = {  collapseId?: string,  expirationDate?: Date,  targets: Array<APNS2Target>}
    collapseIdStringOptionalNotification group / collapse identifier. Value will be used in APNs POST request as apns-collapse-id header value.
    expirationDateDateOptionalDate till which APNs will try to deliver notification to target device. Value will be used in APNs POST request as apns-expiration header value.
    targetsArray< APNS2Target >YesList of topics which should receive this notification.


APNSNotificationPayload instance provides access to options specific only to mobile push notifications sent with APNs.


  1. ParameterTypeDescription
    configurationsArray< APNS2NotificationConfiguration *> *List of HTTP/2-based APNs delivery configurations.
    notificationHashHash with parameters which specify user-visible key-value pairs.
    payloadHashPlatform specific notification payload. In addition to data required to make notification visual presentation it can be used to pass additional information which should be sent to remote device.
    silentBooleanWhether operation system should handle notification layout by default or not. alert, sound and badge will be removed from resulting payload if set to true.


APNS2 configuration target type.


  1. type APNS2Target = {  topic: string,  environment?: 'development' | 'production',  excludedDevices?: Array<string>}
    topicStringYesNotifications topic name (usually it is bundle identifier of applicationfor Apple platform). Required only if pushGateway set to apns2.
    environmentStringOptionaldevelopmentEnvironment within which registered devices to which notifications should be delivered. Available:
    • development
    • production
    excludedDevicesArrayYesList of devices (their push tokens) to which this notification shouldn't be delivered.


FCMNotificationPayload instance provides access to options specific only to mobile push notifications sent with FCM.


  1. ParameterTypeDescription
    notificationHashHash with parameters which specify user-visible key-value pairs.
    dataHashCustom key-value object with additional information which will be passed to device along with displayable notification information. All object and scalar type value should be converted to strings before passing to this object. Keys shouldn't match: from, message_type or start with google or gcm. Also as key can't be used any word defined in this table
    silentBooleanWhether operation system should handle notification layout by default or not. notification key with it's content will be moved from root level under data key.
    iconStringIcon which should be shown on the left from notification title instead of application icon.
    tagStringUnique notification identifier which can be used to publish update notifications (they will previous notification with same tag).
    payloadHashPlatform specific notification payload. In addition to data required to make notification visual presentation it can be used to pass additional information which should be sent to remote device.


NotificationsPayload instance provides convenient method and properties which allow to setup notification for multiple platforms without getting into details how they should be formatted.
Builder instance contain additional set of properties which allow to fine tune payloads for particular platforms and even access to RAW payload dictionaries.


  1. ParameterTypeDescription
    subtitleStringAdditional information which may explain reason why this notification has been delivered.
    badgeNumberNumber which should be shown in space designated by platform (for example atop of application icon).
    soundStringPath to file with sound or name of system sound which should be played upon notification receive.
    debuggingBooleanWhether PubNub service should provide debug information about devices which received created notifications payload.
    apnsAPNSNotificationPayloadAccess to APNs specific notification builder.
    fcmFCMNotificationPayloadAccess to FCM specific notification builder.
  2. PubNub.notificationPayload(String title, String body)
    titleStringOptionalShort text which should be shown at the top of notification instead of application name.
    bodyStringOptionalMessage which should be shown in notification body (under title line).
  3. buildPayload(Array<String> platforms)
    platformsArrayYesList of platforms for which payload should be added to final dictionary. Available:
    • apns
    • apns2
    • fcm

Basic Usage

Create notification payload builder with pre-defined notification title and body:

  1. let builder = PubNub.notificationPayload('Chat invitation',
    'You have been invited to \'quiz\' chat');
    let messagePayload = builder.buildPayload(['apns2', 'fcm']);
    messagePayload.message = 'Max invited you to \'quiz\' chat room';
    messagePayload.roomID = 'ewuiogw9vewg0';

    message: messagePayload,
    channel: 'chat-bot',
    function (status, response) {
    // Handle publish results
  2. let builder = PubNub.notificationPayload('Chat invitation',
    'You have been invited to \'quiz\' chat');


Hash with data, which can be sent with publish method call and trigger remote notifications for specified platforms.

Other Examples

  1. Generate simple notification payload for FCM and APNs:

    let builder = PubNub.notificationPayload('Chat invitation',
    'You have been invited to \'quiz\' chat');
    builder.sound = 'default';

    console.log(JSON.stringify(builder.buildPayload(['apns', 'fcm']), null, 2));


    "pn_apns": {
    "aps": {
    "alert": {
    "body": "You have been invited to 'quiz' chat",
    "title": "Chat invitation"
    "sound": "default"
    "pn_fcm": {
    "notification": {
    "body": "You have been invited to 'quiz' chat",
    "title": "Chat invitation"
    show all 22 lines
  2. Generate simple notification payload for FCM and HTTP/2-based APNs (default configuration):

    let builder = PubNub.notificationPayload('Chat invitation',
    'You have been invited to \'quiz\' chat');
    builder.apns.configurations = [{ targets: [{ topic: 'com.meetings.chat.app' }] }];
    builder.sound = 'default';

    console.log(JSON.stringify(builder.buildPayload(['apns2', 'fcm']), null, 2));


    "pn_apns": {
    "aps": {
    "alert": {
    "body": "You have been invited to 'quiz' chat",
    "title": "Chat invitation"
    "sound": "default"
    "pn_push": [
    "targets": [
    "environment": "development",
    "topic": "com.meetings.chat.app"
    show all 33 lines
  3. Generate simple notification payload for FCM and HTTP/2-based APNs (custom configuration):

    let configuration = [
    collapseId: 'invitations',
    expirationDate: new Date(Date.now() + 10000),
    targets: [{ topic: 'com.meetings.chat.app' }]
    let builder = PubNub.notificationPayload('Chat invitation',
    'You have been invited to \'quiz\' chat');
    builder.apns.configurations = [configuration];

    console.log(JSON.stringify(builder.buildPayload(['apns2', 'fcm']), null, 2));


    "pn_apns": {
    "aps": {
    "alert": {
    "body": "Chat invitation",
    "title": "You have been invited to 'quiz' chat"
    "pn_push": [
    "collapse_id": "invitations",
    "expiration": "2019-11-28T22:06:09.163Z",
    "targets": [
    "environment": "development",
    show all 29 lines

Example above show how to create notification payload which APNS will try to redeliver few times (if devices not active) and give up after 10 seconds since moment when it has been scheduled.

Additionally this invitation notification will be grouped along with other invitation notifications (using provided collapse_id as group identifier) and shown as one in notification center.


Configured and ready to use NotificationsPayload instance.

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