PubNub Chat API & SDK Docs

PubNub Chat enables developers to quickly build and scale fast, powerful live chat experiences without the hassle of managing real-time infrastructure, ensuring low latency performance.

  • Rapid proof of concept: With PubNub's Chat SDKs, you can seamlessly integrate chat room features using pre-built capabilities, sample apps, and expert guidance from our Solutions Architects.

  • Feature-rich: Create modern, interactive messaging experiences with typing indicators, threaded messages, emoji reactions, read receipts, and more. Easily manage users and channels, and moderate your chat with the no-code BizOps Workspace that serves as your global chat moderator tool.

  • Unmatched reliability: PubNub offers < 30ms latency, 5-9’s uptime SLA, and support for millions of concurrent users, providing a scalable, high-performance chat experience. Real-time dashboards offer full visibility and control over your app's performance, whether users are text messaging or engaging in complex chat room activities.

  • Customizable and flexible: Create unique experiences tailored to your users' needs with user presence, push notifications, and real-time updates. Use PubNub Functions to apply business logic to your messages, or leverage pre-built integrations for content moderation, voice & video, chatbots, and more. Take advantage of a variety of programming languages to fit your development environment.

  • Scalable pricing: As your app grows, our pricing becomes more cost-effective, with no limits on concurrency or channels, allowing you to scale without worrying about hidden fees. Try for free to discover our platform's full potential.

Chat SDKs

We developed the following set of Chat SDKs to enable easy integration of PubNub's real-time chat functionalities across diverse platforms and development environments:

All Chat APIs use intuitive, chat-specific terminology enabling easy implementation of user interactions such as sending messages, managing threads, and indicating typing status with methods like createUser() and startTyping().

These SDKs provide simple, high-level methods that call various methods from relevant core SDKs underneath, also sharing their usage limits.


Core vs Chat

Supported features

Chat SDKs provide a number of features you can develop in your chat apps.

Manage channelsCreate, update, and delete direct, public, and group channels
Invite to channelsEnable users to invite others to join channels by sending invitations
Watch channelsEnable users to monitor a channel and its messages, allowing them to receive messages without joining as members.
Join or leave channelsAllow users to join channels of interest or relevance and leave channels that are no longer needed
Reference channelsLet users mention specific channels in a chat conversation by typing # followed by at least the first three letters of the channel name
Add typing indicatorProvide real-time feedback to users when someone is composing a message
Manage usersCreate, edit, and remove users
Check user presenceDisplay real-time online status of users in the app or per channel, showing if they are online, offline, active, or away
Mention usersTag specific individuals within a chat by typing @ followed by the first three letters of a username, triggering a list of suggestions
Manage channel and user accessImplement detailed permission schemas to control access to specific channels and user metadata within your chat app
Moderate usersMute or ban misbehaving users
Send/Receive messagesAllow users to exchange text-based communications in real-time within channels
Manage messagesCreate, edit, and remove messages
Store historical messagesArchive past conversations
Restore messagesRecover deleted messages within a specified timeframe
Forward messagesShare specific messages with others or across different channels
Add/Remove message reactionsAdd or remove reactions, such as emojis, to messages
Create message draftsEnable users to compose messages and review them before sending
Quote messagesQuote messages within channels
Create message threadsStart and participate in focused sub-conversations
Send linksShare URLs in messages
Attach filesAttach and share files of various formats
Pin messagesPin important messages to the top of the chat for easy reference
Track unread messagesImplement notifications and visual markers for users to easily identify unread messages in channels
Get message read receiptsBe notified when other channel members have received and viewed a message.
Flag/Report offensive messagesFlag or report messages deemed inappropriate
Receive mobile push notificationsSupport push notifications on mobile devices to alert users of new messages, mentions, or other significant activities

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