Themes for PubNub Chat Components for React

UI customization is an important part of every component library. PubNub Chat Components for React offer many customization options depending on what kind of changes need to be applied in order to achieve required results.

The most basic method of customizing a component is switching between built-in themes. PubNub Chat Components for React offer light and dark modes for the three most common chat use cases. They differ in the basic color palette and elements that are displayed or hidden on each type of chat.

These are the supported themes:

  • light (default)
  • dark
  • support
  • support-dark
  • event
  • event-dark

To change the default component's theme, change an appropiate option in the Chat provider:

const MyCommponent = () => {
return <Chat theme="dark">{/* Add components here */}</Chat>;

The following sections include screenshots showing MessageList in three chat use cases. These sections also provide details on what elements were displayed in each use case and the reasoning behind these choices.

Group chat

This type of chat assumes a conversation between multiple entities with a medium amount of messages. The author of each message is clearly shown, including the name and avatar, if provided. The screenshot also shows the time when the message was sent. This type of chat most often includes message reactions (enableReactions), rendered attachments, and other complex features.

Group Chat

Call Center chat

Most often a Call Center chat is a 1 on 1 conversation between a user and some kind of support assistant. Messages of different authors are clearly distinguished from one another by aligning them to different edges. The name of the interlocutor doesn't have to be shown next to the message to save some space. Only the avatar of the call center agent is shown since in most cases the end-user is not required to provide it. You can enable or disable complex features depending on your needs.

Call Center Chat

Live Audience Engagement chat

Live audience engagement chats are likely to show hundreds of interactions between multiple users at once. Space needs to be preserved to show as many messages as possible on a single screen. In this case avatars and timestamps are not displayed at all. Names are rendered next to the messages so that they can fit in one line. It's recommended to disable complex features, like reactions, in this type of chat as they make it harder to navigate the chat window.

Live Audience Engagement Chat

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