Typing Indicator for PubNub Chat Components for React

Subscribes to events generated by MessageInput to display information about users that are currently typing messages.

It can be displayed as a text denoting the user's name, or in a form similar to a message that can be renderer inside the Message List component.


This section shows the preview of a sample Typing Indicator component and its source code.

User ID / UUID

User ID is also referred to as UUID/uuid in some APIs and server responses but holds the value of the userId parameter you set during initialization.


Try it out

Test the component as Sue Flores (default user):

  1. Type in a message in the input field and send it.
Typing Indicator restriction

In the current implementation of PubNub Chat Components for React, you won't see Typing Indicator for your own messages.

  1. Go to the Message List component to see your message at the bottom of the list.


You can configure the component using these parameters:

ParameterTypeDefault valueDescription
showAsMessage?booleanfalseOption to put a typing indicator inside the MessageList component to render indicators as messages.
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