Style injection for PubNub Chat Components for React Native

Built-in themes can be customized by injecting styles that should override the defaults used to style different parts of each component. This document provides the full list of available subcomponents along with their default styling.

For example, to remove the default padding around MessageInput, you can simply pass your own values to the style property:

<MessageInput style={{ messageInputWrapper: { paddingHorizontal: 0, paddingVertical: 0 }}} />

Message List


messageList: {
backgroundColor: colors.messageListBackground,
messageListScroller: {
backgroundColor: colors.messageListBackground,
flexGrow: 1,
message: {
flexDirection: "row",
paddingHorizontal: 16,
paddingVertical: 8,
messageOwn: {},
messagePressed: {
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const lightTheme = {
messagePressedBackground: "#e9eef4",
messageListBackground: "#f0f3f7",
messageColor: "#585858",
unreadBackground: "#999999",
unreadColor: "#ffffff",
reactionBorder: "#ced6e0",
reactionActiveBackground: "rgba(239, 58, 67, 0.2)",

const darkTheme = {
messagePressedBackground: "#28293d",
messageListBackground: "#1c1c28",
messageColor: "rgba(228, 228, 235, 0.8)",
unreadBackground: "#999999",
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Message Input


messageInputWrapper: {
backgroundColor: colors.wrapperBackground,
paddingHorizontal: 16,
paddingVertical: 10,
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",
messageInput: {
backgroundColor: colors.inputBackground,
borderRadius: 20,
color: colors.inputColor,
paddingHorizontal: 14,
paddingTop: 8,
paddingBottom: 10,
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const lightTheme = {
wrapperBackground: "#f0f3f7",
inputBackground: "#e4e9f0",
inputColor: "#585858",
inputPlaceholder: "#999999",

const darkTheme = {
wrapperBackground: "#1c1c28",
inputBackground: "#2a2a39",
inputColor: "rgba(228, 228, 235, 0.8)",
inputPlaceholder: "#555770",

Member List


memberListWrapper: {
flex: 1,
memberList: {
backgroundColor: colors.memberListBackground,
member: {
alignItems: "center",
backgroundColor: colors.memberBackground,
flexDirection: "row",
paddingHorizontal: 16,
paddingVertical: 12,
memberPressed: {},
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const lightTheme = {
memberListBackground: "#ffffff",
memberBackground: "transparent",
memberNameColor: "#585858",
memberDescriptionColor: "#9b9b9b",
memberPresenceColor: "#01bd4c",

const darkTheme = {
memberListBackground: "#2a2a39",
memberBackground: "transparent",
memberNameColor: "#dcddde",
memberDescriptionColor: "#929292",
memberPresenceColor: "#01bd4c",

Channel List


channelListWrapper: {
flex: 1,
channelList: {
backgroundColor: colors.channelListBackground,
channel: {
alignItems: "center",
backgroundColor: colors.channelBackground,
flexDirection: "row",
paddingHorizontal: 16,
paddingVertical: 12,
channelActive: {
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const lightTheme = {
channelListBackground: "#ffffff",
channelBackground: "transparent",
channelActiveBackground: "#f0f3f7",
channelPressedBackground: "#e4e9f0",
channelNameColor: "#585858",
channelDescriptionColor: "#9b9b9b",

const darkTheme = {
channelListBackground: "#2a2a39",
channelBackground: "transparent",
channelActiveBackground: "#1c1c28",
channelPressedBackground: "#232333",
channelNameColor: "#dcddde",
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Typing Indicator


typingIndicator: {
backgroundColor: colors.textBackground,
color: colors.textColor,
fontSize: 12,
paddingHorizontal: 16,
paddingVertical: 5,


const lightTheme = {
textBackground: "#f0f3f7",
textColor: "#585858",

const darkTheme = {
textBackground: "#1c1c28",
textColor: "rgba(228, 228, 235, 0.8)",


Customize messages sent by current user

Differentiating the looks of messages, depending on who sent them, is a common use case across some types of chat apps.

PubNub Chat Components for React Native do not come with a separate default styling for messages that were sent by the current chat user. To change the appearance of such messages, apply style injection using sub-components dedicated to that purpose.

Here is an example of how to align your messages to the right side of the chat window:

messageOwn: { flexDirection: "row-reverse" },
messageOwnTitle: { flexDirection: "row-reverse" },
messageOwnMain: { alignItems: "flex-end" },
messageOwnAvatar: { marginRight: 0, marginLeft: 16 },
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