Send signal to channel

This resource allows a developer to send a signal to a channel.

Returns a three-element array:

  • Array element 0 - (Integer) 1 or 0, where 1 is a success, and 0 is an error.
  • Array element 1 - (String) Description of the success or error, if available.
  • Array element 2 - (String) The current PubNub time expressed as a timetoken.
Path Parameters
pub_key string REQUIRED

You app’s publish key from Admin Portal.

Example: pub-c-50264475-1902-558x-b37b-56d7fb64bf45

sub_key string REQUIRED

Your app's subscribe key from Admin Portal.

Example: sub-c-50264475-1902-558x-d213-7p19052012n2

channel string REQUIRED

The channel name to perform the operation on.

Example: myChannel

callback string REQUIRED

The JSONP callback name to wrap the function in. Use 0 for no callback.

Example (myCallback): myCallback

Example (zero): 0

payload string REQUIRED

Signals are limited to a message payload size of 30 bytes. This limit applies only to the request body, not to the URI or headers.

Query Parameters
uuid string

A UTF-8 encoded string of up to 92 characters used to identify the client.

Example: myUniqueUserId

auth string

String which is either the auth key (PAM v2) or a valid token (Access Manager) used to authorize the operation if access control is enabled.

Example: myAuthKey

signature string

Signature used to verify that the request was signed with the secret key associated with the subscribe key.

If Access Manager is enabled, either a valid authorization token or a signature are required. Check Access Manager documentation for details on how to compute the signature.

timestamp integer

Unix epoch timestamp used as a nonce for signature computation. Must have no more than ± 60 seconds offset from NTP.

Required if the signature parameter is supplied.

type string

Possible values: 3 ≤ length ≤ 50

User-specified message type string - limited by 3-50 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters with only - and _ special characters allowed.


space-id string

Possible values: 3 ≤ length ≤ 50

User-specified space ID string - limited by 3-50 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters with only - and _ special characters allowed.



Publish successful


Bad Request


Unauthorized access

message string OPTIONAL
payload object OPTIONAL
channels string[] OPTIONAL
error boolean OPTIONAL
service string OPTIONAL
status integer OPTIONAL

Signal payload size is too large (>=32K)

status integer OPTIONAL
service string OPTIONAL
error boolean OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL

Request rate limit exceeded

status integer OPTIONAL
error boolean OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL