Revoke token

Invalidates a previously issued Access Manager token.

Path Parameters
sub_key string REQUIRED

Your app's subscribe key from Admin Portal.

token string REQUIRED

An existing Access Manager token.

Example: qERtZXRhoENwYXSlQ3NwY6BEY2hhbqBDdXNyoENncnCgRHV1aWSgRHV1aWRIc29tZXV1aWRDc2lnWCBhIVFngejMt2BDtujpWAP42W3eU

Query Parameters
timestamp integer REQUIRED

Unix epoch timestamp used as a nonce for signature computation. Must have no more than ± 60 second offset from NTP. This is not associated with the TTL at all.

Example: 1607457300

signature string REQUIRED

Used to verify the request was signed with the secret key associated with the subscribe key. For information on how to compute the signature, refer to Signature generation.

Example: v2.k80LsDMD-sImA8rCBj-ntRKhZ8mSjHY8Ivngt9W3Yc4

uuid string

A UTF-8 encoded string of up to 64 characters used to identify the client.

Example: myUniqueUserId


Revoke request was successful.

status integer

Possible values: [200]

data object
message string

Possible values: [Success]

service string

Possible values: [Access Manager]


Error validating inputs, like an invalid or expired token.

status integer OPTIONAL
error object OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
source string OPTIONAL
details object[] OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
location string OPTIONAL
locationType string OPTIONAL
service string OPTIONAL

Invalid signature, like a wrong secret key or character set encoding for signature computation.

status integer OPTIONAL
error object OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
source string OPTIONAL
details object[] OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
location string OPTIONAL
locationType string OPTIONAL
service string OPTIONAL

Internal server error, like backend database system being unavailable.

status integer OPTIONAL
error object OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
source string OPTIONAL
details object[] OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
location string OPTIONAL
locationType string OPTIONAL
service string OPTIONAL