List files

List all files uploaded to the channel.

Path Parameters
sub_key string REQUIRED

Your app's subscribe key from Admin Portal.

channel string REQUIRED

The channel name to perform the operation on.

Query Parameters
limit integer

Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 100

The maximum number of file results to be returned in a response

next string

The token to use to retrieve the next batch of files


Successfully retrieved the list of uploaded files

status integer OPTIONAL

Status code

data object[] OPTIONAL
name string OPTIONAL

User defined name for a file

id string OPTIONAL

PubNub-generated ID for a file

size integer OPTIONAL

Size, in bytes, of the stored file

created string OPTIONAL

ISO 8601 time string of the date and time the file was uploaded

next string OPTIONAL

URL-safe token to get the next batch of files

count integer OPTIONAL

Number of files returned


One or more request parameters are invalid

status integer OPTIONAL

Status code

error object OPTIONAL
source string OPTIONAL

The PubNub service from which the error originated

message string OPTIONAL

Response message

code integer OPTIONAL

Internal error code


The Files service is not enabled for the subkey

status integer OPTIONAL

Status code

error object OPTIONAL
source string OPTIONAL

The PubNub service from which the error originated

message string OPTIONAL

Response message

code integer OPTIONAL

Internal error code


Internal Server Error

status integer OPTIONAL

Status code

error object OPTIONAL
source string OPTIONAL

The PubNub service from which the error originated

message string OPTIONAL

Response message

code integer OPTIONAL

Internal error code