Latest Real-Time Communication News

NewsJul 21, 2020

Interview: AI Bot Conversation API PubNub’s CTO Stephen Blum

As one of the founders of PubNub, I drove the initial architecture Building a core engine that has...
NewsJul 9, 2020

Ways to enhance workforce management using digital literacy

The coronavirus pandemic managed to disrupt just about everything, almost always for the worse. But...
The Enterprisers Project Logo
NewsJul 8, 2020

Edge computing for beginners: 11 key concepts

“Modern applications can be built [without edge computing],” says Stephen Blum, CTO of...
PubNub logo
PressJun 23, 2020

Survey: Employee Confidence In Remote Workplace Success

San Francisco, CA - June 23, 2020 - PubNub, the company behind the world's leading real-time...
NewsJun 15, 2020

Technologies that have been jump-started by COVID-19

The economy is suffering, but some technology businesses, such as telemedicine, contactless payment,...
NewsJun 11, 2020

PubNub's 77.3% growth in e-learning transactions

In these times of COVID 19, the pandemic has forced people to explore how this can be extended to...
NewsJun 8, 2020

Cultivating A Digitally Literate Workforce

Those in the e-learning industry witnessed a huge shift towards electronic learning and online...
NewsMay 31, 2020

What COVID-19 Taught Us: Rapid Adoption of Telemedicine

Telemedicine is on the front line. What was, just a few months ago, a “value-add” service has now...
The Enterprisers Project Logo
NewsMay 7, 2020

5 artificial intelligence (AI) types, defined

AI can seem like a black box: Input, then output – with little transparency on how the machine got...
The Enterprisers Project Logo
NewsMay 5, 2020

Edge computing and AI: 7 things to know

“Real-time learning allows the AI to continuously evolve and improve during each interaction. For...
eLearning Inside Logo
NewsApr 29, 2020

The Dual Challenge of E-Learning Software Providers

While the coronavirus-fueled global lockdown has created huge challenges for education, we’re...
The Enterprisers Project Logo
NewsApr 28, 2020

7 edge computing trends to watch in 2020

“[The vast majority of] APIs are centralized in one or two data centers, so these businesses will...