Stripe Charge

Stripe is a payment processor with a robust API that enables you to accept payments in minutes

Once you've securely collected and tokenized your customer's credit card using Stripe.js, you can charge the card from a PubNub function. You can do things like sell products or services, restrict access to a webpage, sell a digital download, or accept donations.


You'll need a Stripe account and API keys. You don't need to activate your account unless you plan to go beyond testing. Add your test secret key to the PubNub Vault under the key sk_test. Stripe charges 2.9% + 30¢ per successful card charge.

First, tokenize using Stripe.js. When you use Stripe.js on your website, the credit card data entered into your payment form is never sent to PubNub servers. This makes you automatically PCI compliant because you don't handle or store any sensitive credit card data on PubNub servers.

It is against PubNub Terms and Conditions to send credit card information including credit card numbers, CSV numbers (three-digit codes for Visa and MasterCard, four-digit code for American Express) and magnetic stripe information through the PubNub network.


Publish a HTTP POST containing the token provided by Stripe.JS.




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